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Empoleon/Terrakion (HGSS-DE)

Professor Palutena

The Queen
I'm not that knowledgeable in TCG, so I might be missing a couple things. This is mostly a deck that I'll be using on PTCG.


4-3-4 Empoleon (Dark Explorers)
4 Terrakion (Noble Victories)
2 Mewtwo EX (Next Destinies)
2 Elgeym (Noble Victories)

Total: 19

4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 PlusPower
3 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
2 Eviolite
2 Professor Juniper
2 N
2 Switch
2 Twins
1 Copycat

Total: 27

8 Water Energy
6 Fighting Energy

Total: 14

Strategy: Ideally, let an Elgeym start to begin setting up Empoleons. Empoleon helps with draw support, and functions as a key main attacker, hitting for a maximum of 120 damage. If Elgeym goes down, I can pull out a Twins to finish my set up. Terrakion is for the ZekEels matchup, OHKOing a Zekrom EX with the second attack. Mewtwo EX is for Mewtwos, although I'm not sure how to fit in some DCE.

Empoleon – Water – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Prinplup

Ability: Diving Draw
Choose 1 card from your hand and discard it. Then, draw 2 cards from your deck. You can use this ability 1 time during your turn.

[W] Attack Command: Does 10 damage times the total number of Pokemon in play.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
If this isn't BW on (and even if it is) there isn't any point of playing Elgyem.
Might want to consider Cleffa for bad starts, or if you're really hell bent on using twins and finishing set ups with Twins, I'd suggest Pichu instead so you can at least flood your bench with Piplups.
If you don't have energy accel, DCE is a huge must for Mewtwo,
Not really sure why you're running Four Terrakion, 2 is more than enough.
3-4 Fighting Energy should be enough for them as well, 6 seems like too much. Keep in mind Empoleon lets you get through your deck faster, by the time you will have the need for Terrakion, you should've already drawn through so much of your deck that you would've gotten a fighting energy at the very least, you can always collector or communications for the Terrakion that you'll need.

3 Rare Candy
3 Collector
3 Communication
4 Oak
4 N
2 Juniper
2 Switch
3 Catcher
2 Plus
4 Junk Arm
2 Lost Remover
1 Super Rod

2-3 DCE
7 Water
3-4 Fighting
I wouldn't use pichu since it also helps your opponent set up.
-2 elgyem (collector is a lot better)
-1 catcher (usually 3 is enough)
-3 water energy (to make room. plus empoleon does not need much energy to attack)
-1 fighting energy (to make room for DCEs)

+4 collector (getting out basics)
+1 junk arm (reuse trainers)
+2 DCE (for mewtwo)