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Empoleon Terrakion Mew (BW-ON)


I don't want to play in the current format anymore (mostly because I sold all my stuff -- I wasn't very active), so I decided to build a deck for September 1st.

Pokemon (16):

4-3-4 Empoleon DEX
3x Terrakion NV
2x Mew EX

T/S/S (35):

4x N
3x Professor Juniper
4x Bianca

2x Random Receiver
4x Rare Candy
2x Switch
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Ultra Ball
4x Level Ball
3x Rescue Scarf
2x Super Rod

Energy (9):

3x Blend Energy WLFM
6x Water Energy

Strategy is to get Empoleon out early with Rare Candy. Terrakion is for the multitude of lightning decks I expect to encounter next format. Emolga is a good starter and gets my basics out fast. Random Receiver with draw supporters for any extra draw I need besides Empoleon. Blend is there just because it works for both Terrakion and Empoleon. Mew is an extra attacker, and annihilates any Mewtwos. Eviolite helps my Mew and Terrakion survive longer.

Blend Energy WLFM – Special Energy

This card provides 1 [C] Energy. As long as this card is attached to a Pokemon, it provides either [W], [L], [F], or [M] Energy, but only 1 Energy at a time.

Rescue Scarf – Item

Pokemon Tool: Attach a Pokemon Tool to one of your Pokemon to use it. You can only attach 1 card to 1 Pokemon, and it remains attached.

If the Pokemon that this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an attack, put that Pokemon back into your hand. (Discard all cards attached to that Pokemon.)

You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.

What do you all think of the deck?
RE: Empoleon Aerodactyl Terrakion (BW-ON)

Ok, well here it goes:

-2 or 3 Aerodactyl (It's only gonna help if they don't run catcher)
-3 Emolga (too much search, not gonna help)

Now you see the issue with these is that you're gonna run into donking/catcher issue's. With decks having the ability to hit for massive damage, their easy prizes, that don't do much when catchered.

+3 Fast Ticket
+1 or 2 Rescue Scarf

These are gonna get you starting first turn, and keeping Terrakion in play :)

That's all I can see for now.
RE: Empoleon Aerodactyl Terrakion (BW-ON)

Rescue Scarf is definitely better than Rescue Energy and pretty great for Evolution decks in general.

Isn't First Ticket a Japanese promo though? EDIT: Nevermind, I see it's in Dragon Selection. Good card.
RE: Empoleon Terrakion Virizion (BW-ON)

I changed the deck significantly...I don't think I need First Ticket because if Collector does rotate like I think it will, then EX decks will have a more difficult time setting up. With Emolga, I can get all the basics I want, then retreat and start attacking.

Edit: I know the deck needs serious work and playtesting; this is a very rough list. There are all kinds of techs I can put in.
RE: Empoleon Terrakion Virizion (BW-ON)

I wouldn't play Virizion if you are already playing Emolga. It also ruins your consistency if you go from two Types to three types of Basic Energy use. I would also only play three Emolga max for this deck. Random Receiver isn't really necessary for the deck as it is consistent as it is with Empoleon having built in draw. Some other cards changes I would do myself is:

- 2 Virizion
- 1 Emolga
- 2 Cilan
- 4 Random Receiver
- 3 Rescue Scarf
- 2 EXP. Share
- 1 Grass Energy

+ 1 Mew EX - This will be a key card against any Mewtwo EX you will come across as it is capable of revenge knockout utilizing it's ability to copy Empoleon's Attack Command
+ 4 Cheren - Out of all other supporters I like Cheren the best in this deck. With Empoleon's Diving Draw ability you are digging into your deck deeper and efficiently using cards that you draw into.
+ 1 Pokemon Catcher - It is too good not to have four Pokemon Catchers in your deck or any deck for that matter in a BW-on format.
+ 2 Max Potion - This card can and will save you out of any sticky situation at any time. It may even aggravate your opponent a bit to where you can take a bit of a breath of relief and refocus on taking prizes.
+ 1 Super Rod - How I utilize this card is by using Empoleon's Diving Draw to discard Pokemon and Energies that way I'm not biting myself in the toe by getting rid of a card that could've been capable of saving me out of a sticky situation.
+ 2 Blend Energy WFLM - You would definitely need a full count in order to get the best capability out of this card with both Empoleon and Terrakion.
+ 2 Fighting Energy - You would not want to risk not having a low Fighting Energy count when your Opponent will be catchering Terrakion out over and over again in order to stall or catch up.

This leaves you with about two open slots to mess with. I would up the Ultra Ball count to four or add in two Pokemon Communication just increase the rate that you are looking for Pokemon in your deck. Other things you can try is Tool Scrapper as well. Other than that, just keep funneling Empoleon and remember that you do not always need to attach to Empoleon because his attack cost is only one where as Terrakion could really use those attachments in order to revenge kill and keep a constant 90 afterwards.

Hopefully this helps out a bit! =]
RE: Empoleon Terrakion (BW-ON)

Updated the decklist...think it's more consistent now, it play tests a lot better for sure!
-1 Rescue Scarf (3 is too much)
-3 Cheren (Not gonna help as much as Juniper)
-1 Bianca (^)

+1 Pokemon Catcher (4 Catcher is a staple in BW-ON)
+4 Prof. Juniper(^) +| Speed improvement.
Hmm I really don't think 3 Rescue Scarf is too much...especially if people start running Tool Scrapper. I took out Eviolite and upped the Level Ball count to 4. Getting basics out early is crucial in this deck. I also replaced Cheren with Junipers. I only want to run 3 since discarding my whole hand can be disastrous sometimes, and it leaves room for a 4th Catcher. I was thinking of taking out a Terrakion and some other stuff and putting in some more bench sitters...I have trouble keeping my bench full for maximum damage.
3 Prinplup is way too much with 4 Rare Candies. 1 is sufficient. I think Exp. Share is important in here. Terrakion EX does not help in this deck because energy exceleration is not needed. Also, only 3 energy to go on Terrakion isn't enough. Darkrai/Hydreigon will be played next format, so Terrakion will be able to survive a hit on many occassions. At least 2 more Fighting energies are needed. I suggest they be regular energy to utilize Super Rod.

-2 Prinplup
-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Level Ball

+2 Exp. Share
+2 Fighting