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i like charizard
I think this deck has a lot of potential, and it is a very cheap deck to make (why I made it). Anyway, I just finished the list earlier today, Monday, so I have only had limited testing.

Pokemon (15)
4-1-4 Empoleon
3 Emolga
2 Terrakion
1 Mew EX

T/S/S (35)
4 N
4 Cheren
2 Juniper

4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
3 Max Potion
3 Switch
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Super Rod
1 Energy Switch

Energy (10)
6 Water
2 Fighting
2 Blend {W}{L}{F}{M}

Try to get 2 Empoleons out by T3 by starting with Emolga (if possible) and setting up from there. After getting one out it is much easier to set up others with Diving Draw. Terrakion is to cover the Lightning weakness.
I decked out the first two times and I couldn't seem to get the cards I needed at the right times, but unfortunate prizes and bad matchups could contribute to the latter. I always had plenty of energy. Any advice is really appreciated. Thanks.
Well here are some suggestions based on my testing.

With 4 Rare candy you can go down to 1 Prinplup without affecting your consistency.

My supporter line is 4 N, 4 Cheren and 2 Juniper. I play few Juniper because Empoleon tends towards massive hands of cards and Junipering those away is something you don't want to do.

I would switch out Ultra Ball for Pokemon Communication again for the not wanting to discard factor of things.

If you are having problems decking out, I would up your Super Rod count to 2. I haven't found PlusPower to be very useful. I would suggest swapping them out for Tool Scrappers.

I play with 12 energies but if you aren't having trouble getting them when you need them stick with 10. I would suggest having some basic fighting energies rather than relying solely on the blends. Your exp shares become much less useful with such a high percentage of your energies being special not to mention that energy removal via Garchomp and enhanced hammer is likely to be common.
Thanks for the advice RichD. Changes have been made.

-1 Prinplup
-1 Juniper
-1 Ultra Ball
-2 PlusPower
-2 Blend

+1 Super Rod
+1 Supporter (tbd)
+1 Communication
+2 Tool Scrapper
+2 Fighting energy
Changed up my list a bit after reading other advice/decklists.

+1 Mew EX
+1 Cheren
+1 Max Potion
+1 Communication

-2 Exp. Share
-1 Bianca
-1 Level Ball

I might -1 Blend, +1 Fighting because of Hammers, Garchomp.

Any more advice? I was thinking about playing this at Battle Roads (vs my Raikou deck), but it depends on how I do at League this weekend.