Ruling Empolon LvX


First off I heard that if you bench an LvX it delevels. I just want to know if thats true or not. And the second thing is if I play DRE on Empolon LvX would his 80 dmg attack be reduced, since it isnt base dmg?
While in deck or in discardpile, a lv.X is not a basic nor an evolution card. When in play, it is considered to be the same thing as the pokemon it leveled up from. So you can play a DRE on a lv.X.

Empoleon lv.Xs attack says, "does 80 damage". As long as it says damage, not "put damage counters" it is redused by 10, if Empoleon lv.X has a DRE attached to it.

Benching a lv.X will not take out the lv.X card from the pokemon.
So if it's in your deck, does it still under the "Pokemon" category? What I mean is, if a card said "Search for a Pokémon card," then Empoleon Lv. X can still be retrieved right? Just wanna clarify since you said it's not a basic or evolution card.