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Endless Storm [Kingdra/Black Kyurem/Blastoise]


The Nerdiest Pirate You'd Know
Ahoy there!

Well, ever since my little Bro and I began the Pokemon journey, I decided to get us some booster packs to give us a bit more of options rather than just the starter decks. First rare I got outta mine was a Kingdra, and I gotta admit, he looks pretty damn cool!

Got to reading his abilities and his Dragon Vortex looked supremely good. The wheels in me brain began to think of how well this thing could really be.

After some more grip on this game, and a buttload of scan on the internet that tell me what cards do what, I think I've came up with a prototype.

Pokemon - 14
  • 3 Horsea [Plasma Freeze]
  • 1 Seadra [Plasma Freeze]
  • 3 Kingdra [Plasma Freeze]
  • 2 Squirtle [Boundaries Crossed]
  • 1 Wartortle [Boundaries Crossed]
  • 2 Blastoise [Boundaries Crossed]
  • 2 Black Kyruem EX [Plasma Storm]

Supporters - 10
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 2 N
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Skyla

Trainers - 18
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Max Potion
  • 3 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Float Stones
  • 1 Comp Search

Energy - 18
  • 10 Water Energy
  • 8 Electric Energy


In a shellnut, it's like my own version of Tropical Beach, without the Tropical Beach. My strategy is to focus my attention in discarding a bunch of my energies via items or through pokemon (Black Kyurem being the big gun, with Blastoise backing him up with a quick Deluge.) After that, swap out for Kingdra who'll reset all the energy that was discarded from the few turns of discarding via Black Kyruem and give out a big dish of damage to boot.

However, this skeleton is a bit... lacking. I'm not to sure what other cards would work out nicely with this strategy, or even if I have to much or to little of one thing or another.

I'm looking forward towards you guys' ideas!
I don't really see the point in Max Potion except to heal Kingdra with its low energy requirement. I'd take 2 of those out for 2 more N. A full playset of N really helps. I'd also take out the 2 Colress for another Skyla and Catcher. Summary:

-2 Max Potion
-2 Colress
+2 N
+1 Skyla
+1 Catcher
18 Energy is really overdoing it a bit. Most BKEX/ Blastoise decks run 10 water and 4 electric energy. 18 energy in a deck like this is gonna give you alot of bad hands. Also, 4 Skyla is almost mandatory in a deck like this. You're going to end up needing cards that Skyla will get you. I would recommend 4 N as well, that card can change the whole game if things aren't going your way.

-4 Electric Energy
+2 Skyla
+2 N

I would also take out Wartortle and add in an extra squirtle and blastoise. The only way you'll lose squirtle is if somebody catchers it. Even if they do, you have 2 more. Max potion isn't really a favorable card, because of BKEXs need for electric energy. Also, if somebody catchers you, it might be safe to add in some switches. I know you have float stones, but only 2 might not be sufficient.

-3 Max potion
-1 Wartortle
+1 Squirtle
+1 Blastoise
+2 Switch