Collecting Energy Card Sorting Help


Aspiring Trainer
Hey all, newbie to this side and the tcg in general. I have a fair amount of cards and have sorted nearly all of them out and am adding them to a workbook and I don't know where to put some of the energies or where to categorise them.

They're just regular energies but no set on them. Just production years, 06,07,10 etc.

From what I can tell these would've been from set box's and so don't really fit anywhere. Im using the pokemonTCG 4.3 excel checking if that helps. I'll have to post up my collection at some point

Generally you can at least place Basic Energy cards into a certain era based on their design and copyright. For example, all cards from the HGSS era have the mottled white/yellow border instead of the standard yellow border, so that makes them easy to place. You can also compare font and heading styles to other cards of the various eras. Hopefully this helps. :)
I know that starting with ruby and sapphire, there are 6 "setless" basic energy that you get from theme decks, well 5 if you don't count the ones from ruby and sapphire considering that the theme decks from ruby and sapphire to emerald use energies with the ruby and sapphire symbol on them.

From Ruby and Sapphire onwards, there are 4 card frame designs. I mentioned that there are 6 separate copyright years on the basic energy. 2003 (this has the ruby and sapphire set symbol on them), 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, and 2013.

The 2005 energies started with ex unseen forces

The 2007 energies started with diamond and pearl

The 2010 energies started with heartgold soulsilver

The 2011 energies started with black and white

The 2013 energies started with XY

You could do one of 2 things. Place the energies with the set they started with, or place them all in the end. If you do order the energies, they have to go in order of Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, Darkness, Metal, then Fairy. That's pretty much the official order of how the energies should be organized. Another thing is that if you order it by collectors number, the Pokemon go first, then Trainer, then Energy.

If I had to guess:

Expedition base set to Skyridge theme decks use energies with the Expedition base set symbol on them.

Neo Genesis to Legendary Collection theme decks use energies with the Neo Genesis symbol on them.

Gym Challenge theme decks use energies with Gym Challenge symbol on them.

Gym Heroes theme decks use energies with Gym Heroes symbol on them.

Base set 2 and Team Rocket theme decks use energies with Base Set 2 symbol on them.

Base set to Fossil theme decks use energies with Base set symbol (no symbol) on them.

So if we continued this pattern of placing the energies in the set they were first introduced, the 2003 energies (has the ruby and sapphire symbol on it), should be place with ruby and sapphire.

The 2005 ones should be placed at the end of ex Unseen Forces.

The 2007 ones should be placed at the end of Diamond and Pearl.

The 2010 ones should be placed at the end of Heartgold Soulsilver.

The 2011 ones should be placed at the end of Black and White.

The 2013 ones should be placed at the end of XY.
Well for some reason a couple of my energies are 2006 stamped, no 2005. Would this be an australian thing? I havent inspected them closely for being fake as theyre only energies and I didnt worry about them.

I ended up just sorting the energies in the suggested order but put them at the last set of that year. Close enough haha
Hi, I am sorting through my EX-era Energy cards too and I've noticed these differences not explained above:

For example, I have 3 different Water Energy prints:
1) Copyright 2003, 106/109 EX-R&S number+symbol, e-Reader logo at bottom left.
2) Copyright 2004, 106/109 EX-R&S number+symbol, no e-Reader logo.
3) Copyright 2005, no number+symbol, no e-Reader logo.

I'm guessing the first and third ones come from the official EX-R&S boosters and theme decks respectively. What about the second one?
The first comes from ex Ruby & Sapphire Packs, and theme decks released in ex Ruby & Sapphire, ex Sandstorm, ex Dragon, and ex Team Magma vs Team Aqua. The second comes from theme decks released in sets between ex Hidden Legends and somewhere before ex Deoxys, as I've gotten theme decks from ex Hidden Legends and ex FireRed & LeafGreen with the RS set symbol and post-EX-e border style, but by the time of ex Deoxys, they had switched to the thin border and no set symbol.
