Energy Differentiation Hunt

M!ster GrassDark

Awkward turtle
Can you list (or atleast contribute one card) cards which requires a different energy to its type? So in other words, a card which uses an energy dissimilar to its type. It's because I want to seek out all these cards!

If you are still confused, make sure you look at the example below.

Houndoom 4{D} uses {R}
Houndoom (GE){D} uses {R}
Cacturn (PT){G} uses {D}
Tyranitar (MT){D} uses {F}
Burmy (MD){G} uses {F}
Sharpedo (SW){D} uses {W}
Breloom (SW){G} uses {F}
Gallade (SW){F} uses {P}
Both Salamance {C} use {R}{W}
Froslass and Froslass GL {W} use {P}
Starmie (LA){W} uses {P}
Toxicroak G (Promo){F} uses {P}
Both Mamoswine use {W}{F}
Swinub (SF){F} uses {W}
Swinub (LA) {W} uses {F}
Piloswine (LA) {W} uses {F}
Probopass (LA) {F} has the option to use {M}
Lanturn (LA) {W} uses {L}
Dustox (PT) {P} uses {G}
Lucario (POP 8){F} uses {M}
All Rotom from RR and POP9 {L} use different energy types.
Found another one: Marshtomp GE, is water type but only needs fighting energy.

I think there's a lot more to be found, but later I will round up all the cards we have found to finish this thread. Also, special thanks to TruTruSky for his amazing list which must have taken a while to do.
M!ster GrassDark said:
Found another one: Marshtomp GE, is water type but only needs fighting energy.

I think there's a lot more to be found, but later I will round up all the cards we have found to finish this thread. Also, special thanks to TruTruSky for his amazing list which must have taken a while to do.

You're welcome. I also can't wait to see how long the full list is.
Latias GE uses {R}{W}, while Latios GE uses {G}{L}.
Whiscash MT has an attack that uses {F}.
Barboach MT only uses {F}.
Huntail and Gorebyss GE have additional effects if they have {D} and {P} energies attached, respectively, but that's not exactly what you're asking for.
There's a promo Darkrai that uses {W} and {M} energies.
ha ha, so interesting. The only one that popped into my head were all the houndooms.
Here is the list I have made, trusting the posts made from you guys, and also a few which I spotted. The ones in red use no energy at all which is the same as their type, as this is what I was fishing for. Here's the list so far:

[*EDIT 21:57]

DP: (none).
MT: Abomasnow, Tyranitar, Whiscash, Barboach.
SW: Weavile, Sharpedo, Breloom, Gallade, Salamance.
GE: Marshtomp, Latias, Latios.
MD: Burmy.
LA: Regigigas, Froslass, Starmie, Poliwrath, Mamoswine, Piloswine, Swinub, Probopass, Lanturn, Vileplume.
SF: Infernape, Empoleon, Torterra, Salamance, Mamoswine, Swinub.
PL: Dustox, Cacturne.
RR: Lucario, Houndoom, Froslass, Rotom, Pikachu.

If some have been missed out, which I'm sure they have, remember to post it. We're aiming to have a full list here - possibly to create a strategy in some sort of way?
M!ster GrassDark said:
DP: (none).
MT: Abomasnow, Tyranitar, Whiscash, Barboach.
SW: Weavile, Sharpedo, Breloom, Gallade, Salamance.
GE: Marshtomp, Latias, Latios.
MD: Burmy.
LA: Regigigas, Froslass, Starmie, Poliwrath, Mamoswine, Piloswine, Swinub, Probopass, Lanturn, Vileplume.
SF: Infernape, Empoleon, Torterra, Salamance, Mamoswine, Piloswine, Swinub.
PL: Dustox, Cacturne.
RR: Lucario, Houndoom, Froslass, Rotom, Pikachu.

Sharpedo (SW) doesn't use any Darkness energy for it's attack, so it should be red. Also, Piloswine (SF) shouldn't be included because it only uses fighting energy, which is it's type.
Slowbro GE {W} uses {P} only
Magnemite SF {M} uses {L} only
Magneton SF {M} uses {L} only
Magnezone SF {M} uses {L} only
Magnezone lv X {M} uses {L} but also uses {M}
Jynx SW {P} uses {W} and {P}
Houndoom GE {D} uses {R} and {D}
Lugia SW {C} uses {P} (also uses {C})
Carvanha SW {D} uses {W} and {D}
Rayquaza LA {C} uses only {R} and {L} (no {C})
Drapion 4 {D} uses {P} only

That's all for now.