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Energy Disruption (Garchomp, Sharpedo) Any


See you space cowboy...
25 Pocket Monsters
4-3-4 Garcomp SV
2-2 Sharpedo RR
1-1 Blaziken FB
3 Ambipom G
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

23 Supporter Trainer Stadium
3 Collector
2 Bebe
3 Judge
2 Cyrus
2 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
2 Lost Remover
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Palmer's

12 Energies
2 SP Dark
4 Dark
2 Fire

Garchomp SV
Sharpedo RR

Both have pokebodies that essentially do the same thing, except sharpedo needs a coin flip.

This deck is all about Energy disruption, moving or discarding any energy. First start with ambipom g to move energy around then set up a sharpedo to further disrupt and maybe attack. Garchomp SV will be the big hitter hopefully i will have done enough to get rid/move of energies so garchomp can attack 120.

If there is a better pairing for Garchomp SV id like to know because sharpedo isint the best.

The deck is for fun and any help is appreciated, thanks.
I'd remove some Dark Energy and Energy Exchanger for Lost Remover to increase your Energy disruption and beef up your Judge line since if your opponent gets the Energy back in their hand and keeps it the disruption is a little weak. Maybe replace a couple of Basic for Special Dark Energy as well.