Energy question


Power of the Triforce!
Can I use ANY energy from ANY set?
I wanted to use some GRASS energies, but I only have some from the original set.

Can you also use energy from other languages?
I have some Fighting energy that are called "Energie"
It came from a box-set of imported cards my aunt got me years ago.
The set also had many Jap Pokes too.
Lol. I'm gonna use it just so my friends will say "WTF? Can't you spell energy right?" XD
And to answer the question more completely, yes, Basic Energy is always legal, even when it's not part of any legal set.

However, some special Energy aren't tournament-legal. You'll have to see if they're reprinted in recent sets. Multi Energy, for instance, is legal, whereas Retro Energy is not.

(Is that Fighting Energy French?)