Energy Question


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but not new to the game. I first started collecting/playing when base 1st edition came out, quit around neo genesis, and recently started back up again during unleashed with just a few friends.

My question is...

I've come back to the game and have been doing some research and searching on this site (great site) and everyone seems to use such a small amount of energy compared to the old days. I tried searching for an answer on these forums, but couldn't find a straight to the point answer. So why do people generally use 10 or less energy compared to the old days when people used 20 or more?

this isn't really a rulings question, but over time, the trainers were able to do a lot more, especially regarding energy restoration and acceleration. If you take a look at all the trainers we have now, you'll notice there is a significant difference between the old era and the current era. Another reason is the fact that some pokemon do not even need 4 or 5 energy to attack to it's full potential.
roseannes research is one reason. it lets you search for up to 2 cards of either basic energy or pokemon
also, alot of popular pokemon only need 1 energy (donphan, jumpluff, kingdra, tyranitar etc..)
also, there is double colorless energy again, which greatly helps energy needs as most pokemon can utilize a "DCE"
^Where have you been? Roseanne's was rotated...

The reason people don't have as many energy they used to have is because many pokemon need only 1 energy to attack. Donphan, Kingdra, Luxray GL LV.X, Jumpluff, Machamp, etc. are great examples. Think about it, Charizard (Base Set) took four energy to attack. If you managed to get all of them out in one game, that would be 16 energy. Plus you would need extra ones just in case one was prized and discarding from the attack. There are also cards now like Palmer's Contribution and Flower Shop Girl that let you get back energy from your discard pile. Hope I helped, and welcome back to the game!
Adding on to what James said, even though the meta is slowing down a bit, most pokemon that utilize a large amount of energy with their primary attacks, as people don't have time to set that much up. With so many pokemon being able to do almost 100 damage for little or no energy, you wouldn't be able to charge up your main attacker. Due to the meta being so fast paced, more "energy efficient" pokemon rise to the top, and in result, less energy are needed.