Energy Retrievel Cards?


So I'm worried that my deck won't function as quickly due to the fact that I won't be drawing any energies. Is there a trainer that helps with that? If so, how many of does do you recommend? Thnx
Hmm. A common new player mistake is that you need a lot of energy. In general, a deck will not need more than 15 energy, and most run somewhere between 10 and 13. Of course, this completely depends on the deck you are using. If this is not enough energy for you, it probably means that your attackers are sub-par and there are much better ones out there. Or, it means that you need better search/draw power.

In direct answer to your question, Interviewer's Question is the best energy-searching trainer (Supporter.) The only other one is Energy Search, but at that point, you're better off running more energy.

Instead of using Interviewer's Questions, try running about 10-11 in any combination of: Cheren, Sage's Training, Professor Juniper, N, Professor Oak's New Theory, and Judge. Having more draw power is great for drawing energy (and everything else!) when you need it, and pretty much any competitive deck will be running an engine like this.

Hopefully this helps!
TheSensational said:
So I'm worried that my deck won't function as quickly due to the fact that I won't be drawing any energies. Is there a trainer that helps with that? If so, how many of does do you recommend? Thnx

To get energy back from the discard, you can use:

Energy Retreival BW
Fisherman HS
Super Rod NV
Flower Shop Lady UD

There are also cards such as Good Rod that have a 50-50 chance for a needed card.
I always enjoy running:

4X Energy Search

This is regardless of the deck being used. I am a proponent of card replacement, a card that replaces itself, even with an energy in a time when you're saturated with them removes a dead draw from the deck to allow you to access the key components of your strategy.

Another favourite, to combine two requirements of a deck is Roseanne's Research. Not only does this card allow you to retrieve two energy from your deck in one effect, you can double it up to take one pokemon, one energy, two pokemon, or two energy. This lessons the danger of encountering dead draws in Energy Search itself.

There are also plenty of pokemon you could use to a similar effect. What sort of decks do you use? Hope some of this helps anyway.
^ No. No. No. No. And no again. Four energy search is exceedingly useless. Decks might run one, and the only reason for that over an actual energy is the fact that you can reuse energy search with Junk Arm. With smart play and the right deck, one energy search can be useful. Four however is pointless: it can be trainer locked, and most decks only tend to run one type of energy in the first place, or one type and special energy, which energy search cannot get. Reusability with Junk Arm makes energy search a good tech, but only a newbie or an idiot uses four. There are way better ways to use those 3-4 spots, including energy.

Roseanne's Research was one of the best cards of the format, and a staple of the DP-on meta. However, Rosie has been rotated out of format for about two years now. There's no point in investing with it, people at league will give you funny looks, and they can't be used in tournaments.
Rybekk said:
I always enjoy running:

4X Energy Search

This is regardless of the deck being used. I am a proponent of card replacement, a card that replaces itself, even with an energy in a time when you're saturated with them removes a dead draw from the deck to allow you to access the key components of your strategy.

Another favourite, to combine two requirements of a deck is Roseanne's Research. Not only does this card allow you to retrieve two energy from your deck in one effect, you can double it up to take one pokemon, one energy, two pokemon, or two energy. This lessons the danger of encountering dead draws in Energy Search itself.

There are also plenty of pokemon you could use to a similar effect. What sort of decks do you use? Hope some of this helps anyway.
Please try to research information yourself before you give advice. What competetive deck runs over 1 energy search? Also, do you know about rotation?
EDIT: tbh, all you need is more shuffle/draw cards, and you shouldn't be low on energy.