Eterna Forest Series - Fake Card IMAGES! RATE/COMMENT/HELP!


Aspiring Trainer
John H. in Vancouver, I want to draw for Pokemon one day!!!

Eterna Forest Series: Based on concept of linked ecosystem, where each card is a tech for another, coming full circle (hopefully, I don't know how to play really). Each Pokemon serves a specific role in nature/creation, to defend against anything intending to ruin harmony (of nature, or just at leagues and tournaments LOL).

Cards so far
Ninetales Eterna -
Suicune Eterna -
Cleffa Eterna -
Lapras Eterna -

Feel free to comment!! Especially appreciate strategy comments. Rather than lowering the effects, I'd like to add weaknesses to the Pokemon that calls for another tech, thus completing the circle.

Also looking for comments on how/if I could make them holographic. So far I have not found out how to do it but have seen excellent ones.


Blanks and symbols credit: CMP :)
RE: Eterna Forest Series - Fake Cards! RATE/COMMENT/HELP!

Are they sopose to be ghosts? Why do there attacks do so much?
RE: Eterna Forest Series - Fake Cards! RATE/COMMENT/HELP!

Hi! I am not a fan of trainers, so all the cards have trainer effects integrated - hopefully that'll be the future of pokemon LOL
Have you added any new cards, ardele? If not, there's really no point in bumping the thread.

Otherwise, the cards look pretty good. Some font issues, but one thing I'm most concerned with is that even though you credit me in the post, you removed the "ILK~CMP Blanks" at the bottom of the card border. I put that on there for a reason, and I don't appreciate you removing it.
I'm not 100% sure if they are your blanks CMP, they look like they've been enlarged from smaller ones; noticing the jpg style fuzzness etc. Would assume nick's old ones, especially with the stage evo circle bit, your's was larger and higher quality :)
I'm only assuming since he says it in his post, asche. Either way, he removed some copyright, as nick's blanks had mention of "" or "PA!"
Yeps thats true I guess & nicks name was on that + the fake card thing too. Will have to see what ard has to say for himself :)
I thought for sure I had commented here a few days ago. Anyway, I really like these. I like the concepts behind them and the artwork is very interesting!

y u no liek trainer cardz?
I think you've made this thread before and it ended up being closed because you never added more cards. I have seen them all before it seems . . .

But anyway, they look great. I like and don't like the illstrations though.
Why does all of the cards do sooooooo much damage D:
The art isn't all that great, I couldn't tell any of them apart except for the clefairy...

I'd also suggest that you add the copyright in, becuase if people wanted to they could actually get into a legal dispute about this, and you may get into trouble... I'd also suggest that you add more cards, and keep adding more cards :D