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Evolution Block (Terrakion+Sawk+Archeops)


Life is a big holiday
Once upon a time, we had a deck on the Base set to Team Rocket's collection named Evolution Block. Magmar fossil + Electabuzz base + Scyther + Aerodactyl. Was awesome deck, that times when charizard and blastoise was in almost every deck. Now I see so many Basic pokemons with huge power, but depending on an evolved pokemon to work faster. So I decide to create this deck, not just by saw this opportunity to block evolutions, but also to remember the good old times.

Pokémons: 14

4 {F} Sawk BW
3 {F} Terrakion NV
4-3 {F} Archeops NV

T/S/S: 33

4 Plume Fossil
2 Rare Candy
3 Catcher
2 Switch
2 Plus Power
2 Eviolite
3 Exp. Share
2 Junk Arm
3 Communication

3 Pont
2 Juniper
2 N
2 Collector

1 Burned Tower

Energy: 13

13 {F}

Strategy: Start with Sawk to inflict a inicial 20 dmg, set up at least one Terrakion with Exp. Share on the bench. T2, 40 dmg with Sawk and try to set up Archeops to block opponent's evolutions ASAP. Then, with Terrakion set up with exp. shares, just play with his revenge kills. Help me, cuz i'm rly not sure about use Sawk and about the T/S/S build.
The idea of the deck isn't that bad.

Personally I think if you want to completely destroy your opponents deck.
I would use, archeops, vileplume. jirachi col, and mewtwo for your main attacker.
don't you need twist mountain and research records to play fossils? it's just going to be hard to get archen onto the bottom of your deck without them

I'd drop sawk, because you don't need him. If you want to do 20 damage T1, play rocky helmet (the active terrakion doesn't need EXP share, so don't worry about blocking it)

rare candy is pointless, as archen isn't basic, it is restored. and you can't play candy on turn one, so going from a basic to stage 1 won't happen faster with the candy

with the above in mind, drop one collector and the eviolites.

you defiantly need more draw support, so round the numbers off to 4 of each supporter

hope it helps
I wouldn't use sawk since its not that great of a card. I'd rather use landorus IMO because even though its first attack doesn't inflict any damage, it still kind ofenergy accelerates and it's second attack can spread. Plus if you are going to run archeops, just run vileplume because archeops is so easily catchered and KOd.
But if you run vileplume, you can't use plume fossil to get archeops if vileplume is out first.
and you can't evolve into vileplume if archeops is out first.

I'd run Research Record to put those archens on the bottom of your deck so you can get them.
I think this could work if it took on a form similar to Terrakion but instead of the disruption like Lost Remover, things for Archeops. It's certainly a great idea, but it's a poor meta to play it in. Even if the Basics were drastically slowed without their Stage 2 assets, there are decks that run entirely on Basics. CMT comes to mind, as well as ZPST. (I see some people play it still.) What would you do then? Sure in ZPST, go for the Z's, but they can still wall with T. I see a big problem with this deck if you're considering this deck competitively.