Ruling evolve

Compendium said:
Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Pokémon that has already evolved normally that turn?
A. Yes. Wally's Training can break the rules for normal evolution in that case. It also can allow a player to evolve a Pokémon the first turn it is in play, except for the very first turn of the game (for each player). In order for Wally's Training to break the "first turn of the game" evolution, the card would have to specifically say so. (Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Pokémon I just evolved that turn with Rare Candy?
A. Yes. Trainer cards that allow an evolution to take place, breaks the standard evolution rule that states you can only evolve once in a turn. (Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)