Evosoda Instead of Ultraball?


Aspiring Trainer
Okay... before you all scream NO YOU FOOL, hear me out.

I know Ultraball rocks and is a staple in most decks. Mine too. But I've been dabblin with something and I wanted input on it in the context of this deck specifically. Please not an Evosoda VS Ultraball discussion as we know who wins...

So, in an expanded Gengar/Bats deck I have the following...

3-3-3 Gengar Line
3-3-3 Crobat Line

To aid getting these out I run...

3 Ultraball
3 Levelball
3 Brigette
(Also 3 Teammates to respond to loosing a Pokemon and grabbing others)

The Brigette and the Levelballs take care of everything other than the stage 2's and they do a great job of it. The Ultraballs grab the stage 2's. I've played about 12-15 games and have never used an Ultraball for anything other than a stage 2. So, in the context of the deck here, why not swap the Ultraballs for Evosodas and reserve them for grabbing the stage 2's and thereby removing the need to discard.

I know I'd need to be disciplined in not using them for stage 1's and I know that on a bad draw they would not provide me a get out of jail to grab a basic. But, on a whole, in the context of this deck, i'd really welcome your input.


I assume you're talking about Crobat PHF, here. Unfortunately, using Evosoda won't cut it in your deck, because it doesn't activate the Surprise Bite Ability. The Ability states that you must play it from your hand, however Evosoda brings the card from your deck.

However, if that wasn't a problem, I reckon running Ultra Ball could be worthwhile. The plus of Ultra Ball is that it is more versatile and consistent than Evosoda. However, if your deck really doesn't like to discard resources (as is normally the case for multiple Stage 2 decks), and if you tend to always have your basics anyways through Level Ball or Brigette, then Evosoda might be better than Ultra Ball. It's definitely something worth testing in stage decks, in my opinion.
the problem with evosoda in the deck you describe is that evosoda won't trigger the crobat lines abilities, while grabbing the card with ultra ball will. evosoda is still usable for Gengar but you'd be better off running rare candy over evosoda as rare candy will trigger surprise bite.
Guys! Thanks for pointing that oversight out! How did I miss that!? Answers the question perfectly.

In addition to @treyh37 's response, there may also be times when you want to use Ultra Balls to get other Pokémon (e.g., Shaymin EX) not accessible via Evo Soda nor Level Ball. Also, let's not underestimate the value of paying the 2-card cost that Ultra Ball play requires; there are just times when you either want/need to thin your deck out or dump certain Supporters you intend to recover and play later. I would think your diversified mix of Pokémon search cards works quite well (given you also have a quality mix Supporters and other Items).
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I would recommend playing trevenant XY and trevenant BREAK over the bat line, as you can disrupt as you set up for the gengar sweep