I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place but I have to ask this. Can someone please explain this whole EV concept to me: What they are, how to train, how to keep track of them, etc.
Yes, but this brings my question. How much does, for an example, one Carbos add onto a Pokemon's EV stat? Does it only apply 10 like normal for the first one, or does it add 100? I have heard mixed things about this, and I am quite curious.
Also, do the new EV items, the feathers, work the same as the older ones?
if i encounter a poke that gives me 1 atk EV and i have the macho brace on and pokerus...how many EV's do i get? i just started EV training and i can already see the results and its awesome...its just the hundreds of lillipup's and patrats ive massacred lol
Anyway, I should contribute to say that my Snover is at 255 Speed EV. After training against at least 75 Zubats and 10 Golbats, I reached the max after using 10 Carbos. It's not too hard, but takes a while(and a lot of your patience).
^you scared me i was like...oh my god i just lost half my EV's lol. i was thinking that if you had the macho brace it would double then pokerus would apply and you would get double again like if you had 2 atk then you had the macho brace its 4 then pokerus its 8? also where are the best places to train for each stat? ive just been going by serebii but they say places where you only get 1 EV for that stat. like my Mienshao that im training needs EV's in sp atk and speed. ive found that cold storage works cause i needed atk too but i just finished that one but now just sp atk and speed. maybe route 14? golducks and beheeyem?....idk i just started so im not to good at this...like i accidentally went 10 over my atk limit without a kelpsey berry so now he will be extra strong lol anyway ya...i suck at this lol but thanks yoshidude
edit...and you run into shiny's more too cause you face poke like 100 times to get your EV's where you want it
edit again: it is so late...but i finished ev training my mienfoo and my dieno...lets have a moment of silience for the thousands of poke i mindlessly slaughtered for my own gain lol ....should i start on golett or go to bed...actually i think i will just slap an exp share on my newly EVed poke and go through the e4 to get all there moves and let them evolve...