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EX Eels


Aspiring Trainer
Wanted to see if I could get a few pointers on this build of eels. Its doing pretty well so far, but just wanted to see what you, the community find better in this build.
(Note: this is Dark Explorers included.)

Pokemon - 17

3 Tynamo 30hp
1 Tynamo DX (40 hp sniper)
4 Eelektrik NV
2 Thundurus
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Zekrom EX
1 Raikou EX (thinking about another Raikou EX and no Zekrom EX)
1 Shaymin UL
1 Smeargle CL
1 Tornadus EP

I/S/S - 32
4 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 N
2 Sage's Training

4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
2 Plus Power
2 Random Receiver
4 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
1 Revive
1 Eviolite

Energy - 11
8 {L}
3 {C}{C}

Following Edits:

-1 Revive
-1 Scyther
-1 Energy Exchanger
+1 Tornadus
+1 Level Ball
+1 Eviolite

I'm testing tornadus over scyther until i come up against a handful of terrakion decks. then, i'll test it against them. I honestly hate dual ball in anything more than CMT and ZPST (which is never ran nemore). I've had bad luck with dual ball lately and i wanna try to not use it. I added another level ball for consistancy. I will usually have all i need set up by turn 2/3. Eviolite is obvious. Can't believe I wasn't running it before.
-1 Shaymin (not needed with Eels)
-1 Eelectrik
-1 Smeargle
-1 Level Ball
-1 Energy Exchanger
-1 N

+2 Zekrom (BW)
+1 Cleffa
+2 Pokemon Communication
+1 PONT/Sage's Training
i am thinking of taking out energy exchanger it is only a tech choice right now. i am going to remain with 4-4 eel, it's just so consistant. also, smeargle > cleffa all the way. i think i'll drop a level ball, but communication isn't needed with ultra balls. shaymin is absolutely necessary since i can change my attack position. I can go from having a zek ex with 2 energy only to a mewtwo charged up for the kill. I will probably add another supporter whether it's N or Pont. I hate using sage in more than 2 in this deck. the changes i think i'll make will be like -1 level ball + 1 PONT / N.
What happens if a Tynamo is KOd?
again, Shaymin, isn't needed,

-1 Shaymin
-1 Eelectrik

+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Super Rod
i only play the 4 eels because of how consistant it is to get 2 eels up on turn 2. dont forget i am running revive, so even if a tynamo is ko'd, i can still get 2 eels into play. i thought about super rod. if i do play super rod, then i may drop eel down to 3.
First thing I see is you need to take the sage's out. With four juniper and two sage's you will be burning through your deck TOO fast. Add two oak's new theory in to help refresh your hand. Then, you need to take out an Eelektrik and add one Super rod. Super rod is too good not to play because it's such a good recovery. Zekrom EX is just.. Bad. Raikou is better. So take out the Zekrom EX for the Raikou EX since he can snipe. Take out the Energy Exchanger for a fourth DCE. The exchanger is just not worth it. I tested it out and it never worked. Shaymin can work wonders but not in this deck. You should take it out for a fourth pokemon catcher. Catcher is just awesome in this deck being able to catcher something up and snipe around it or kill it. Ultra Ball isn't as good as you think it'll be. You either run three of those or three Lvl Ball. Not three of each. So take out three of those in any combination and put in three dual ball. You need that card in this deck. Revive is another no no.. You need to be running Eviolite. It helps a lot in a deck that uses mostly basics as main attackers. Also it will help your terrakion counter out from being revenged KO'd. That's about all I see. Good Luck.

So this is what I am telling you to do
-2 Sage's Training
-1 Eelektrik
-1 Zekrom EX
-1 Energy Exchanger
-1 Shaymin UL
-3 Ultra Ball/Level Ball (any combination of three)
-2 Revive
+2 Eviolite
+3 Dual Ball
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+1 DCE
+1 Raikou EX
+1 Super Rod
+2 Oak's New Theory

A side note~ If you are needing room for something else to add you can take out the following: One Random Receiver, One Smeargle, or One of the Balls (five is enough)
setojim said:
i only play the 4 eels because of how consistant it is to get 2 eels up on turn 2. don't forget i am running revive, so even if a tynamo is ko'd, i can still get 2 eels into play. i thought about super rod. if i do play super rod, then i may drop eel down to 3.

Yeah, but then you can't get an attacker back, I'd rather have an attacker rather than a Tynamo.

^Also what Sleeping Snorlax said