ex series Serial Numbers


Climbing the stairs to the top

I started going through my ex series binders to add in some new cards I got and I noticed something. As I'm going through my ex Unseen Forces cards, I saw that I have two of the same Slugma with different serial numbers.

When I say serial numbers, I mean the number in the lower right. The two I have for Magby are:

U87-AZG-51B and U87-AZG-0MF

After I noticed this, I started checking every card I have for the set. I found some more cases like this, and even found a card that has 3 different serial numbers (Chinchou 52/115) and also noticed that some/most Reverse Holos have different serials than the non-holos but the Rare Holos have the same serial number as their Reverse Holo counterparts. Of course, all this information is just from the cards I have in my (incomplete) Unseen Forces set, so it may be false. Which brings me to my questions.

1. Why are there different serial numbers for each card?

2. Are there any patterns in the change of serial numbers? i.e. Holos have a different one than non-holos or it changed each print run (date)?

3. Does anyone know of a list that contains each serial number for each card?
not sure but i believe cards that came from theme decks or trainer kits had different serial numbers. thats all i can say. i dont think it would affect the type of holo the card was though.
1. Serial Numbers are how they identify what the card is, what set it is from, what box or theme deck it came from. Even if you got say a pikachu in a theme deck and the serial number is:** *** **** and so on the serial number for the set card even though it is the same card will have a different serial number. Just like any other product you buy. Every product you buy has a serial number but it is never the same serial number. This is how the company can tell where the cards are going during the production process and they do not get mixed up as the sorting machines move at 1,000 miles a second roughly.

2. No there is no patterns for the serial numbers. The only thing that would change if a non holo is specially made holo and vise verse.

3. There are no lists of serial numbers because every serial number is different and there are endless pits of these serial numbers. The company only has these because they are only for the company use and to what area of the factory they go to. Each factory has a certain process that the cards or products go through so there is certain areas during the production line to where they go. They use these for this purpose only. Also if you are buying single cards they might scan this to be sold also too.:)
As far as I know every uncommon and every common card from all of the Ex series have 3 different serial numbers (so 3 different cards of each).
The Holo (Reverse), Rare, Ex, Goldstar and Secrets only have 1 serial number.

This has nothing to do with Theme Decks. I just opened 20 Sandstorm Boosters and I got some of the same cards with 3 different serial numbers.
If the cards from a Theme Deck have got yet another number I don't know.

I haven't found a complete list with all the cards including all different serial numbers.
Thanks for all the information guys :)

I'm going to try and make a list with all the serial numbers so look out for it, and please help out when I get it started.
Daelum, if you want help doing stuff like that, drop me a message here, the Gym or UPCCC. After Worlds I'd be interested in helping put spreadsheets and such together.
DJGigabyte said:
Daelum, if you want help doing stuff like that, drop me a message here, the Gym or UPCCC. After Worlds I'd be interested in helping put spreadsheets and such together.

Okay will do! Thanks for being so willing to help. I'll most definitely message you - it'll probably be on UPCCC :D
If you want I could help you. I'm currently going through my collection to search all the different serial numbers. (This will take a while ;P )
abv150 said:
If you want I could help you. I'm currently going through my collection to search all the different serial numbers. (This will take a while ;P )

That sounds like a tedious process :p. If I get the time I may eventually start looking at the serial numbers on my cards as well. If (or when) I do that, I'll let you know Daelum! If you guys are working on some of the older sets, maybe I'll start with Black & White (I assume these cards have serial numbers on them as well? I haven't really looked to be honest).
The only sets with serial numbers are the ex series. Base through Neo and D&P through B&W don't have serial numbers. However, the Expedition (e-series) series have their own form of serial numbers but they are different in that they were used to differentiate e-reader codes.
Secret Pikachu said:
That sounds like a tedious process :p. If I get the time I may eventually start looking at the serial numbers on my cards as well. If (or when) I do that, I'll let you know Daelum! If you guys are working on some of the older sets, maybe I'll start with Black & White (I assume these cards have serial numbers on them as well? I haven't really looked to be honest).

It is indeed :p . It will take a few days to sort them all out, reorganize all the cards and to make a list.
I don't have a lot of free time so I hope I'm done in a month ore 2 :D
Well what I plan on doing is just making something like this:

ex Sample Set
Card Name - Serial #1, Serial #2, Serial #3 etc
Card Name - Serial #1, Serial #2, Serial #3 etc
etc etc

and just do that ^ for each ex set

How I plan on getting serial numbers from others is just to have them post the different serial numbers they have (which means I'll have to go through and make a list with all my serial numbers first).