Help Expanded Decks

Swampert Fan 101

I liek Swampertz
With the 2018 Season starting, and almost half of the tournaments being expanded, what would be some good BW-BUS decks?
I've been playing Trevenant in expanded lately and I've been doing super well at my local league. Everyone there uses Greninja for some reason so I threw in a Giratina promo and that's just an insta-win matchup. I'm really liking the looks of Volcanion/Turtonator in expanded after BUS is released, so maybe give that a shot too.

One of my ALL TIME favourites has to be M Manectric, and I still think it's a decently viable option as of now (not sure if BUS gives it anything, however).

Night March also looks super strong right now with Marshadow. Being able to hit for Fighting weakness might be super relevant with any Turbo Darkrai decks running around as well as those who use Drampa.