Approximate Price: $75
The strategy is to evolve into Ninjask and use its Cast-Off Shell Ability to get Shedinja into play. You use Ninjask's Night Slash attack to switch into Shedinja. You don't lose a prize because of its Empty Shell Ability and if it doesn't get Knocked Out it has free retreat so you can switch into Ninjask again. Shedinja's Cursed Drop can get you some big KOs late game when a heavily damaged Pokémon goes to the bench. It is also great against Night March Joltik. Sigilyph can win you games against Landorus-EX because Hawlucha can't hurt you and Sigilyph isn't affected by Lucario or Landorus. Mr. Mime is also important against Virizion/Genesect and Landorus decks. Mr. Mime is extremely important against Landorus decks otherwise they can snipe you Ninjasks. It can be hard to setup Ninjasks but one Ninjask can get you through the entire game sometimes. Actually got a sweep with one Ninjask at my local Pokémon league.
Possible Techs:
Tropical Beach: There is going to be one or two turns at the beginning of the game where you can't attack. Tropical Beach can make the deck a little more consistent, but it loses its budget aspect. Personally, I don't run it, but that's mostly because it's ridiculously expensive.
Wobuffet: Can really shut down Aromatisse decks that can heal repeatedly because this deck doesn't one shot. There have been some times where I really wanted it, but personally I think I like having the second Sigilyph. Also, can't be searched out by Level Ball.
Matchup Analysis:
Landorus Variants:
Landorus/Crobat: Landorus gets pretty much shut down by Sigilyph and Mr. Mime, but if Crobat can
KO Mr. Mime or Sigilyph there going to be in a pretty good spot.
Chance of Win: 50%
Landorus/Lucario: Without Crobat, the only thing that can win them the game is Lysandre. These
decks typically run 2 Lysandre and 3 VS Seeker so they can get a lot of Lyandre plays. Luckily,
Lucario takes longer to set up so you can get an early lead.
Chance of Win: 60%
Landorus/Lucario/Machamp: Unlike the other variants this runs Machamp so they have a non-EX
attacker that can get past Sigilyph. Takes a while to get setup though, so Ninjask can probably get
you a lead before they can get it set up.
Chance of Win: 70%
4x Nincada [DRX]
3x Ninjask [DRX]
4x Shedinja [DRX]
2x Sigilyph [DRX]
1x Mr. Mime [PLF]
4x Level Ball
4x Robo Substitute
2x Muscle Band
2x Silver Bangle
3x Super Rod
2x VS Seeker
1x Float Stone
1x Professor's Letter
1x Startling Megaphone
1x Dowsing Machine
4x Professor Sycamore
3x N
2x Pokémon Fan Club
2x Colress
2x Lysandre
1x Teammates
2x Skyarrow Bridge
6x Grass Energy
3x Psychic Energy
Approximate Price: $75
The strategy is to evolve into Ninjask and use its Cast-Off Shell Ability to get Shedinja into play. You use Ninjask's Night Slash attack to switch into Shedinja. You don't lose a prize because of its Empty Shell Ability and if it doesn't get Knocked Out it has free retreat so you can switch into Ninjask again. Shedinja's Cursed Drop can get you some big KOs late game when a heavily damaged Pokémon goes to the bench. It is also great against Night March Joltik. Sigilyph can win you games against Landorus-EX because Hawlucha can't hurt you and Sigilyph isn't affected by Lucario or Landorus. Mr. Mime is also important against Virizion/Genesect and Landorus decks. Mr. Mime is extremely important against Landorus decks otherwise they can snipe you Ninjasks. It can be hard to setup Ninjasks but one Ninjask can get you through the entire game sometimes. Actually got a sweep with one Ninjask at my local Pokémon league.
Possible Techs:
Tropical Beach: There is going to be one or two turns at the beginning of the game where you can't attack. Tropical Beach can make the deck a little more consistent, but it loses its budget aspect. Personally, I don't run it, but that's mostly because it's ridiculously expensive.
Wobuffet: Can really shut down Aromatisse decks that can heal repeatedly because this deck doesn't one shot. There have been some times where I really wanted it, but personally I think I like having the second Sigilyph. Also, can't be searched out by Level Ball.
Matchup Analysis:
Landorus Variants:
Landorus/Crobat: Landorus gets pretty much shut down by Sigilyph and Mr. Mime, but if Crobat can
KO Mr. Mime or Sigilyph there going to be in a pretty good spot.
Chance of Win: 50%
Landorus/Lucario: Without Crobat, the only thing that can win them the game is Lysandre. These
decks typically run 2 Lysandre and 3 VS Seeker so they can get a lot of Lyandre plays. Luckily,
Lucario takes longer to set up so you can get an early lead.
Chance of Win: 60%
Landorus/Lucario/Machamp: Unlike the other variants this runs Machamp so they have a non-EX
attacker that can get past Sigilyph. Takes a while to get setup though, so Ninjask can probably get
you a lead before they can get it set up.
Chance of Win: 70%