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ExPHLOSION(Typhlosion/Lanturn Prime)


Aspiring Trainer
I don't really need changes to this deck. I'm actually just looking for advice on how to fit 2 Stark Mountain. Before I added Lanturn, I had 2 of them, but since I've edited the deck, and made a few changes. Now I can't figure out what to take out, or, if I even need Stark Mountain. It had proved very helpful in past matches, so I figured I'd try to fit it in again.

*EDIT: Is it worth it to add Cyrus' Conspiracy? My logic is that it'll help in a pinch when I need to use Lanturn. Rather than rely on topdecking the {L} NRG, I can just Cyrus it.*
*Could also ditch 2 Judge for 2 Energy Exchanger, now that I run 2 {C}{C}
**Possiblity of fitting in some Interviewers Questions?**

Pokemon: 20
4-2-4 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Lanturn Prime
2-2 Ninetales HGSS(PL Vulpix)
2 Uxie LA

T/S/S: 26
3 Candy
2 Communication
2 Belt
2 WP
1 Lux Ball
3 Collector
2 Seeker
2 Judge
1 Fisherman
3 Bebe
1 Palmer's

NRG: 14
I would cut the typhlosion line to 2-1-2, drop a candy, and add an electric energy to start. Typhlosion prime is ok for attacking, but not really. That gives you 5 empty spaces. I would add 3 DCE and the 2 stark mountain.

with the thinned down line, it'll slow the fire recovery/attach rate of energy, but you more than make up for it using lanturn as the attacker with the DCE and stark mountain.
That's not really what I'm trying to do with this deck. I see where you're going with the "Typhlosion Prime isn't the greatest attacker in the world" statement, but with a possible 4 Afterburners on tap, energy attachment should be very quick. Lanturn Prime is more of a tech than a backup attacker. The idea is to not even set it up until you think you may need it. It's supposted to hit the battlefield, attach {L} energy from your hand, and Afterburner 2 {R} onto it to attack that very turn. I'm willing to up my Lanturn line to a 3-3 if that may help, but i'm only willing to get rid of a 1-0-1 Typhlosion to do it. This leaves me with a still usable 3-2-3 line.

I will, however, add 2 DCE, because I think that's a great idea.
- 1 Bebe
- 1 Collector
- 2 Judge

+ 2 Stark Mountian
+ 2 Energy Exchanger

I think 3 Bebe and Collector is fine but not necessary, so I would ditch 1 of each for the 2 Stark Mountian. As for the Energy Exchanger, you should definitely ditch the 2 Judge for them because being able to draw out DCE fairly easily will give you the advantage of being able to charge up Typhlosion in 1 or 2 turns.
you could keep the lines pretty much as-is, but instead of 4 typhlosion primes, swap one for a regular one from hgss. it can be your other OMG WHAT IS THAT button. since it does 120. 140 if you belt it. just a thought. I've seen it work pretty well as a revenge KO tech.
I still don't like the 2 candies, since it turns either the candy or quilava into a dead draw. but I do see why you'd do it, it makes it almost impossible to have both candies and both quilavas prized. but I've seen people who only run 5 energy have all 5 prized. random is random.
@Cris: DCE does nothing to charge up Typhlosion quicker. It runs on {R}{R}{C}, not {R}{C}{C}, so a DCE attachment would be a waste. I run the DCE strictly for Lanturn. 3 Bebes/Collector is standard and very necessary(at least Collector is). I will, however swap the 2 Judge for 2 Energy Exchanger, because I can see that helping alot.

@Carlitosbob: Originally had 2 Typhlosion HGSS, but I used the Prime so much for the discarding energy effect, that I just took it out. I suppose I could add 1 back in, but that wouldn't make space for another 1-1 line of Lanturn...
Adding it in for a revenge KO tech may be a better idea, though.

I was originally using it as my main attacker, and the Primes for support only, but the idea of it being strictly a revenge killer seems that it'd work better.
Lanturn Prime's HP is really rather low. so a revenge KO tech is almost mandatory. but that's about all the advice I've got for ya since suggesting another tech to combat a fighting type will just make it clunky
Don't need/have Sunnyshore City Gym because Typhlosion will be doing most of the attacking anyways. Lanturn is just there to cover weakness, or to attack someone else for weakness.
If you want Stark Mountain, I really don't think you need 10 Fire energy. Considering you run a bunch of drawpower and a bunch of recovery, I think that 8 Fire is enough.