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Explosive Tangrowth


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 23
4-3-1 Tangrowth (CoL-2 CoL/1 SF-Lv.x)
2-2-2 Sceptile SF
1-1 Electrode Prime
1 Spiritomb AR
1 Celebi Prime
1 Unown Q
1 Shuckle Promo
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

Trainer/Supporter/Stadium: 21
4 Collector
2 Twins
3 Seeker
2 Bebe's
3 Research Record
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt

Energy: 16
4 Warp
12 {G}

Strategy is to attach as many energies to the field as possible. This can be done by Tangela's first attack, Celebi Prime, and Electrode Prime. Spiritomb is if I need to set up and block's power spray on Electrode's power versus SP decks. Sceptile helps move energies for free seeker heals and allows me to draw at least 1 card per turn with Shuckle.

I am really having trouble with my trainer and supporter line, because i want to have consistency, but I don't want to have an auto loss if Electrode discards some essential cards. I was thinking of putting in Pokemon Rescue, VS seeker, Junk arm, and maybe Engineer's adjustments, but I need space. Thanks.
Dude SP's can and probably will ruin this deck. Get rid of Electrode Prime, I really dont see a use since as you already said. Electrode can discard usefull cards. Even though it allows for the energy attachment, running 4 Celebi Prime would be better (For quicker attaching). You also avoid the risk of Auto-loss. Sceptile should be removed to. Meganium Prime is a better replacement (if your looking for Energy Movement).

Heres what I suggest

-2 Pokemon Communication (your running trainer lock and want as many pokes as you can get. Not a good idea here)
-1 Lux Ball. Why is this here? again the Trainer lock comes into play if you face Vilegar. And Spiritomb does the same thing.
-1 Unown Q. Tangrowth should be the main attacker. No need to retreat him.
- 2-2-2 Sceptile line. SF is being rotated soon. Try to run RR on.
-1 SF Tangrowth. He has no use in this deck IMO. COL (if your running Energy Engine) does a much more efficient job.
-1-1 Electrode Prime Same reasons as I already stated.
-4 Warp Energy. DCE is better.

+1 Celebi Prime. Energy attachment + stall + set up (See its attack Time Circle)
+1 E-belt. Your going to need this I assure you
+1 Tangrowth COL. See ^
(Optional) + 1-1-1 Meganium Prime. See ^
+2 Bebes Search. Much more effective than Pokemon Communication.
+2-4 Psychic. Just for Celebi Prime
+4 DCE. These are CRUCIAL for this deck.
+2-2 Sunflora HGSS (searches for Grass Pokemon once a turn)
(Optional) 3 Rescue Energy.

Well those are my suggestions (I run a deck like this myself w/o Meganium or Sceptile and it works fine) Pick and choose which ones fit the bill. Take'em or leave'em
-3 Research Record
-1 - 1 Electrode Prime
-1 Twins
-1 Celebi Prime
+1 Seeker
+1 Broken Time Space (You ran only two with Electrode Prime? o_0)
+1 - 1 Blissey Prime
+1 - 1 - 1 Leafeon LV. X (RR Leafeon)

I dislike the Electrode Prime because of the discard mechanic. It just is not worth it, especially in the cheap prizes format. Instead, use Leafeon LV. X (Whos is better than Celebi Prime because instead of having to be active every time, it only has to be active once to level up), who can attach Warp Energy as well as Grass, and allows you to really utilize Shuckle. As for Blissey Prime, you can use Sceptile to move the Energy to Pokemon with no damage, then drop it to heal your Tangrowths, etc. This is even better because of your Seeker focus. Finally:
-2 - 2 - 2 Sceptile SF
+2 - 2 - 2 Meganium Prime
Since you run 4 Warp Energy, retreat cost isn't really an issue (You wouldn't be paying it anyway), and it has way more HP and is much harder to snipe.
Last minute adjustment:
-1 Spiritomb AR
+1 Regice LA
To counter your opponent's Spiritomb and, if necessary, discard Pokemon against Lostgar or Trainers against Vilegar.
Just a thought, why not consider running 4 Junk arms and Regice to discard Grass Energies, and then just attach them with the Level X's Big Growth Attack?