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Extended Klinklang (Klinklang / Lucario)

Cuack Cuack

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 18

  • 4 Klink DE
    2 Klinklang BW
    2 Klinklang PS
    3 Cobalion EX
    2 Riolu LT
    2 Lucario PS
    2 Darkrai EX
    1 Jirachi EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 2 Lysandre
    4 Korrina
    4 Colress
    4 Rare Candy
    3 Heavy Ball
    3 Level Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    3 Bicycle
    2 Maxx Potion
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Dowsing Machine/Computer Search
    2 Fairy Garden
Energy: 10

  • 4 Rainbow Energy
    4 Prism Energy
    2 Metal Energy

well this is my first idea of a new klinklang, basically is approach Korrina´s " double search " on Riolu/lucario - Rare Candy/Balls and try to setup quickly both klinklangs i like to play 2 darkrai just if one of them is prized and fairy garden also could be countered by another stadium hmm there is one spot empty to another trainer/supporter even another basic poke or maybe 1 more Starling Mphone/Sacred Ash ( same excuse as Darkrai XD ) no klangs because this special format will be very fast i think and Korrina already can search every turn what just i need

the most funny thing is that Jirachi can attacks and be protected lol :cool::cool::cool:

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I play a similar deck (mostly for fun and something different for others to think about).
like other stage 2 decks, the name of the game is speed and getting KlingKlang going ASAP.
2 KlingKlang is a bit light. I go 4-1-4.
I also go more on UltraBalls to go get what I need.
you need a couple of Skyla.
I work in N and Juniper. (it doesn't matter re discards. you have to get KK going even if it means juniper your whole hand).
Energy a bit light. I go 10 Metal and work in Professor Letter.
you almost need to consistently attach 1 energy per turn since no energy acceleration.
Energy at a premium, so I don't maxx potion. been trying Pokemon Center Lady (cause it helps clears special conditions also).
might want to work in a switch or float stone, since retreat is high.
not a fan of Darkrai or Jirachi (but you can play test and keep. personal preference).
I personally prefer playing 3 Plasma Klinklang and 1 Shift Gear because I feel like the decks main strategy should be locking your opponent from using EX's. I mean the deck falls apart really quickly if you don't set up Plasma Klang ASAP. Something else I played around with in my list was Durant from Dragons Exalted I believe. It had a Junk Hunt-esque attack, and was protected with Plasma Steel, so you could use it to recycle important resources if your opponent is trying to stall you out of the game. I would get back Switch, Float Stone, game winning Catchers, maybe even a Supporter if I needed it. It also does pretty good as a lead to set up with as well. Also, I would take out the Prism Energy for Basic Metal Energy. Once you move them onto Klinklang or Lucario, they get stuck there because they no longer provide Metal Energy. 4 Rainbow should be enough. You only need one for Fairy Garden because you can move it around to your Active whenever you want to retreat. I would also take out Darkrai cause it basically does the same thing as Fairy Garden at this point, but it's not protected by Plasma Steel, and that's not very good.