Fair trades


Aspiring Trainer
I ran into an interesting conversation this weekend at league...

My: rare candy (mint condition)
Their: Ryperior Lv. X Promo (Tin)

The actual value on most tin Lv. X's is about 5 dollars (the ryperior is more like 4), while candies are 4 - 6 dollars. The rare candy is a highly playable trainer, the lv. x promo is a very unplayable essentially collector card with no game value. Fair trade to me, maybe a little more favorable on there side.

The league leader did not think so... his philosophy - Lv. X only can trade for a Lv. X, a tin Lv. X = normal Lv. X, and all a fair trade is a lv. X for any lv X (even a "tin infernape" for a luxray GL Lv. X). Also holo = holo (even a flygon RR for insert unplayable holo), etc. He also really wanted my 2x Feraligator Primes for a polygon-Z DP Promo (about 2 dollars in value) and a excellent (not even near mint empoleon X tin). I laughed and said that would be ripping me off (the two cards are not even half the value of the two primes). I then said, I would like the two promo claydols (league) which would be about the same values, and he kept insisting that the porygon Z and the damaged empoleon were equivalent.

Here is the question - at league how do you determine what is a fair trade? Is value the only correct way to access trades? Also what do you do about a league leaders who interfere with trades that are obvious legit. Also finally do you access certain really playable cards slightly higher when trading for cards with only collector value (like RH commons for a Lv. X?
I personally go by value all the time. I like to keep my beckett price guide with me, so if someone disputes, I got the price guide right there.
coleman013 said:
Really a rare candy is worth a Level X?

Rare Candy is just an uncommon card though...

Tin Lv. X (note the tin part) - not a pack pull, and Ryperior is about the lowest of the lv. X values - especially in tin form. The ebay BIN price for a tin is about 3 - 4 dollars, the pack is about 7 - 8 dollars

Rare candy is one of the most highly desired trainers (note no trainers are rare except the Time Space Distortion from MT (and that is about 15 dollars each now), and easily brings 4 -6 dollars in a trade or sale (in the same range as call energy, rosannes, etc). I have traded 4 candies for a higher level X before. You are lucky to pull 4 rare candies in a booster box so someone who wants candies would have to open at least one full box to get 4 of them. With a box coming in at 75 dollars minimum I can see a candy being worth 5 - 8 dollars easily.

Try finding call energies or rare candies now - they were only in about 3 sets and like I said I opened 2 boxes each and pulled about 13 candies - in over 600 in booster boxes. A candies for a lower X is definitly a fair trade in my book.

Uncommon means nothing - some of the most desirable cards in today meta are uncommon.
It really is worth it. Not only is Rhyperior about to be rotated, but it's much less playable. Ebay-wise, Rhyperior may be more, but it's really a fair deal IMO.
Just checked the value again, BIN for the promo is 6.00 dollars free shipping
Several are avalable for 2.00 - 3.00 + 1.50 shipping = about 5 dollars

The rare candys are BIN 6.50 approximately everywhere, You can get one for about 5 if you buy 4 card (22 BIN for 4)

Value wise - Fair Trade
Rare Candies are going to be released in the next set though...So I pay attention to any possible rotations, value of cards, if they're going to be made into Tins, anything and everything. We also have a couple Masters that say if a trade is fair, so it's not just one person like the League Leader. The Feraligatr Primes are almost worth nothing considering they're going to be Tins, so that's probably why he said that deal.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Rare Candies are going to be released in the next set though...So I pay attention to any possible rotations, value of cards, if they're going to be made into Tins, anything and everything. We also have a couple Masters that say if a trade is fair, so it's not just one person like the League Leader. The Feraligatr Primes are almost worth nothing considering they're going to be Tins, so that's probably why he said that deal.

dmaster out.

He said the deal for the reason above (in the first post), nothing to do with rotation. Even with tins the feraligator will still most likely be worth around 8 - 10 (which is what most deck pulled tinned x's run), while the cards he was offering were worth at the most 7 together. His contention is that any x or prime is equivalent, which is why he said a tin x is equivalent to a prime. My contention is that you can not make a broad statement that anything is equivalent to anything without going to prices. BTW I am probably keeping the feraligators - trying a blastose energy acceleration deck idea.

Yes rare candies are going to be in the next set - which comes out after states and regionals - so if you need them for these events you will certainly we worth the cash or trade value. After the next set I still think that with 2 - 3 per box that they will still be a hot commodity... I just hope the also include dce in the next set also.

That said, price for price...