Discussion Fairies in Standard Post Breakpoint


Aspiring Trainer
Is it just me or will faeries, with the use of max elixir and max potion, be very strong come breakpoint?
Faeries could easily set up any number of attackers in a hurry with the combination of baby xerneas and max
elixirs and can easily prevent ohko's to their ex's (fighting spirit belt) in order to heal up attackers and either
dealing solid damage early with basic EX's Florges, Xerneas, Lugia, Etc. and massive damage with
M-Mewtwo or M-Gard. I'm sure there are combinations I can't think but the versatility and viability
of Faeries seems very promising.
Is it just me or will faeries, with the use of max elixir and max potion, be very strong come breakpoint?
Faeries could easily set up any number of attackers in a hurry with the combination of baby xerneas and max
elixirs and can easily prevent ohko's to their ex's (fighting spirit belt) in order to heal up attackers and either
dealing solid damage early with basic EX's Florges, Xerneas, Lugia, Etc. and massive damage with
M-Mewtwo or M-Gard. I'm sure there are combinations I can't think but the versatility and viability
of Faeries seems very promising.

I agree with this premise. It is quite potent. I just wish they would release an offensive fairy basic non-ex with low energy costs to make prize trade more favorable with night march.

To balance things out, we have mega scizor-ex swinging for 120 (240 weakness) and destroying the fairy garden for two metal energies. Metal needed a cheap attacker and will get it in breakpoint.
To balance things out, we have mega scizor-ex swinging for 120 (240 weakness) and destroying the fairy garden for two metal energies. Metal needed a cheap attacker and will get it in breakpoint.

It needs a turn to evolve, so if the fairy deck is fast enough (lots of max elixer) it could land a KO before it gets to attack. Another option is to use fairy toolbox and use charizard
Do remember that Aromatisse will be around for only 6 months (unless no rotation occurs, but that never happens). It will be an awesome time where cards like M Gardevoir EX, Florges EX, and weird rainbow energy decks will be around, but it will not last long.
I think Florges is a great card. Coupled with max elixir and the new fighting spirit tool card it has a lot of potential. I think they could see an up tick. I ran a Sceptile/ Florges deck a while back with Sky Field and it did well. Though it was because everybody was playing garitni/toad. I think the major issue with grass and fairy decks is night march, but with the new jirachi promo I think the deck would fair better in standard meta with the upcoming items and tools.

I'm not sure how great the new Xernias will be with the next format, but there is a really good player that has been using Xernias with Ho-ho and Smeargle and he has top cut with the deck twice at cities. It's a crazy deck, played by an excellent player, and I'm dying to get it on video, but I just keep missing him.

Honestly, every time I see it I can't believe how well it works.
Ho-Oh-EX? Cities? what?
Oh, the old one. Huh. That's kinda cool. Might have to look into that