Is it just me or will faeries, with the use of max elixir and max potion, be very strong come breakpoint?
Faeries could easily set up any number of attackers in a hurry with the combination of baby xerneas and max
elixirs and can easily prevent ohko's to their ex's (fighting spirit belt) in order to heal up attackers and either
dealing solid damage early with basic EX's Florges, Xerneas, Lugia, Etc. and massive damage with
M-Mewtwo or M-Gard. I'm sure there are combinations I can't think but the versatility and viability
of Faeries seems very promising.
Faeries could easily set up any number of attackers in a hurry with the combination of baby xerneas and max
elixirs and can easily prevent ohko's to their ex's (fighting spirit belt) in order to heal up attackers and either
dealing solid damage early with basic EX's Florges, Xerneas, Lugia, Etc. and massive damage with
M-Mewtwo or M-Gard. I'm sure there are combinations I can't think but the versatility and viability
of Faeries seems very promising.