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Fairy Big Basic


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate/Veteran

  • 2-2 Aromatisse XY
  • 2 Xerneas XY
  • 2 Tropius PLB
  • 3 Mewtwo Ex
  • 1 Virizion Ex
  • 1 Terrakion LT
  • 1 Keldeo Ex
  • 1 Mr Mime PLS
  • 1 Victini Ex

  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Bianca
  • 1 Cheren
  • 4 Max Potion
  • Computer Search (Ace)
  • 1 Town Map
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Exp Share (May not need)
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Fairy Garden
  • 2 Super Rod (needs only 1)

  • 6 Fairy
  • 4 Prism

Basically use Aromatisse to move around energy to my attackers that target down pokemon using weakness. Accelerate energy using victini and xerneas. Heal with max potion.

Tropius to act as a keldeo ex counter, but more importantly to draw more cards with return if i ever lack supporters.

There are like 4 or 5 cards i feel like i dont really need in this deck. But i dont know what to really add in. Any suggestions?
Hey! I've been thinking of a list exactly like this!! I was spending my afternoon searching the Internet for something like this and I'm glad to see that I was on a similar track..
I like the idea of tropius, I didn't have that in my thinking... Have you considered a single cobalion NV/LT? His first attack will lay down some serious ownage on other fairies.
I was also thinking of adding vileplume in my list but it was getting to be really tight...
Also maybe consider using rainbow energy as well? Allows for more flexibility and variety of attackers but also can cause a space issue...
Anyway just my thoughts :)
Overall I like it!
So if you were to change anything... Maybe:
-1 Exp Share
-1 Cheren
-1 Town Map

+1 Cobalion
+2 Rainbow Energy

Yeah I agree, exp share isn't that needed, neither is town map..

Anyway, I hope this helps (^∇^)
I currently lack Cobalion, so thats why i didnt really think about it. But to be fair there isnt any real threat from Fairy attackers themselves. But it is a really good card that i might just pick up. Since its only like 50 cents at my card shop. Though Cobalion Ex might be a solid investment as well. Since that way i have someone that can discard special energy. Which i think might be more devastating than energy press that is the same as tropius attack. But dont get me wrong the second attack that prevents the defending pokemon from attacking is pretty great.

As for town map. It is pretty good imo. It helps get the pokemon you need from the prizes for a certain match up. Like if Virizion is prized, and im against something like ninetales, then im going to need to get it out asap.
Hmm fair call, I'll defs give town map a go sounds interesting :)

Another card I've been rating really high in testing is Mew EX. Eg if I'm against TDK I can copy a raiden knuckle from thunderus and recover energies.. And there's plenty of other examples where it can do something useful. Even as a one of tech I'd definitely recommend :)
The other thing would be to maybe think about adding in a third fairy garden.
I was using two but I find that the reliance is too high on fairy garden for this deck to perform well so you don't want to be losing any stadium wars because it will really hurt your chances in the match
I think i will add another fairy garden. I was thinking about it, and it is one of the keys to this deck. Mew is a good pokemon choice since it can be quite helpful for some matchups. not all though.

Also just so you know Raiden knuckle cant work for this deck. The attack states that you attach energy to a team plasma pokemon, which there are none in this deck. So dont use mew for that.
Oh duh.... Lucky I haven't tried that example yet :p haha!!

Have you tried DCE in this? I've been running 2 in mine and it helps so much.
Instant mewtwo powered up is always handy :)
i dont really feel like its needed, and i dont really want to add more energy. but if i do it will be rainbow.