I've been testing this deck for several days now on PTCGO and would like some more experienced eyes to look it over. I really love Aromatisse's ability combined with Fairy Garden. The strategy is to get Xerneas EX and Mewtwo EX up quickly. Sylveon is nice to open with, and a good counter to Pyroar, despite the low HP. Plasma Leafeon is a food counter to Seismatoad EX and Suicine. I'd like some ideas on how to modify the deck with different Trainers to make it flow better and also how to better counter some of the powerful meta decks (Pyroar and Lugia/Deoxys, especially). Thank you!
Xerneas EX x2
Xerneas x2
Mewtwo EX x1
Mr. Mime (bench barrier) x1
Aromatisse x2
Sprtizee x2
Sylveon FF x1
Leafeon Plasma Freeze x1
Eevee FF x2
Energy Retrieval x2
Great Ball x2
Hypotoxic Laser x2
Pokemon Catcher x2
Professor's Letter x2
Sacred Ash x1
Scramble Switch x1
Super Potion x2
Ultra Ball x2
Cheren x2
Prof Colress x1
Lysandre x2
Pokemon Center Lady x2
Pokemon Fan Club x2
Professory Juniper x1
Shauna x2
Fairy Garden x2
Muscle Band x2
Fairy x9
Grass x1
Double Colorless x4
I've been testing this deck for several days now on PTCGO and would like some more experienced eyes to look it over. I really love Aromatisse's ability combined with Fairy Garden. The strategy is to get Xerneas EX and Mewtwo EX up quickly. Sylveon is nice to open with, and a good counter to Pyroar, despite the low HP. Plasma Leafeon is a food counter to Seismatoad EX and Suicine. I'd like some ideas on how to modify the deck with different Trainers to make it flow better and also how to better counter some of the powerful meta decks (Pyroar and Lugia/Deoxys, especially). Thank you!