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Fairy Garden (Xerneas EX / Aromatisse / Slurpuff)

Zachary Miller

Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Xerneas EX (XY07 Promo)
    2 Xerneas (XY Base 96)
    2 Spritzee (XY Base 92)
    2 Aromatisse (XY Base 93)
    1 Swirlix (XY Base 94)
    1 Slurpuff (XY Base 95)
    1 Carbink (Flashfire 68)
    1 Mewtwo EX (Next Destinies 54)
    1 Yveltal EX (XY08 Promo)
    1 Seismitoad EX (Flashfire 106)

  • 2 N (Dark Explorers 96)
    2 Professor Juniper (Dark Explorers 98)
    2 Colress (Plasma Storm 118)
    2 Skyla (Boundaries Crossed 134)
    2 Pokemon Fan Club (Flashfire 94)
    1 Lysandre (Flashfire 90)
    1 Tierno (XY Kalos Starter 39)
    1 Pokemon Center Lady (Flashfire 93)
    2 Ultra Ball (Plasma Blast 90)
    2 Evosoda (XY Base 116)
    2 Pokemon Catcher (Plasma Blast 93)
    2 Muscle Band (XY Base 121)
    2 Startling Megaphone (Flashfire 97)
    1 Pal Pad (Flashfire 92)
    1 Professor's Letter (XY Base 123)
    1 Energy Retrieval (Plasma Blast 80)
    2 Fairy Garden (XY Base 117)
    1 Scoop Up Cyclone (A-SPEC)(Plasma Blast 95)

  • 3 Double Colorless Energy (XY Base 130)
    2 Rainbow Energy (XY Base 131)
    11 Fairy Energy (XY Base 140)

This deck is not built to be a Tier 0 mega-deck, but meant to be a deck that stays true to Aromatisse's ability with a small amount of utility. This deck is different from Fairy Toolbox in the sense that this deck stays more Fairy pure to rely on its core strategy to keep consistent.

My Choices:

3 Xerneas EX - 3 is normally considered too many but I feel Xerneas is a strong attacker and the 30 to benched Pokemon (from Break Through) adds up when you are looking to target down some key benched Pokemon or to simply spread damage. X Blast can be good for one-shotting EX's (with Muscle Band) or knocking out the Pokemon you used Break Through to target.

1 Seismitoad EX - Although I don't use the item lock very often, I use this card as a 100% Landorus EX counter. Because this deck is naturally slower than the Fighting decks, this card is the hopeful defense for Landorus.

1 Swirlix/Slurpuff - The Slurpuff line is a choice for the ability to prevent special conditions on pokemon with Fairy energies attached. This ability is good when your opponent doesn't spam Garbodor and gives you another utility Pokemon. Upon the release of Phantom Forces, I plan to bump it up to a 2/2 to include the new Slurpuff for draw support.

1 Carbink - Carbink is an extremely weak utility Pokemon, but I run it because with 3+ Fairy energy attached it does a minimum of 100 damage.

1 Pokemon Center Lady - Pokemon Center Lady fits the niche in the deck of healing some damage from one of the attackers when needed. Although you use the Supporter for the turn, it helps to allow certain Pokemon to survive another turn.

1 Scoop Up Cyclone - Scoop Up Cyclone is in this deck to protect the major attackers when they are close to knock out and allow you to recycle them and all cards attached.

This deck is a medium to slow deck that takes 2-3 turns to start rolling. Any fast deck can shred through any start and provide an easy shut-down.

Final thoughs:
I want to stress that this deck isn't meant to be a Worlds winning deck, but a competitive deck that uses the Fairies to some good potential. I am constantly looking forward to release of more Fairies to strengthen this deck and would lov to discuss future additions in the replies below! With all this in mind, I am open to suggestions and thoughts on the deck or the strategy of the Xerneas EX/Aromatisse engine. This is my first post in the threads so I look forward to good, creative discussion!
This looks like one of the most solid decks currently available to Fairy types! I would add a bit more draw support though. I like that you added that it's not a tier 1 deck, but with a more powerful attacker and a little better walling, it could be much better in time!
I've built several variations of the Aromatisse deck but this is probably what I think.

1) Swirlix and Slurpuff should be replaced with Virizon EX. The reason being is that Virizon does everything Slurpuff does but with one card instead of two.

2) You've got too much energy. 11 energy is too much and compromises the slots in your deck. You don't need a lot of energy as you'll be using Aromatisse to shift the energy accordingly.

3) You don't have a lot of draw support so you might need to rethink this.

4) Xernes EX is good but the problem is the energy costs. So I do think you might need to reconsider other avenues which you have done.

5) Scoop Up Cyclone isn't the best A-Spec as it doesn't fit this deck.

6) No Max Potions? Max Potions should be a priority with this deck in order to abuse Aromatisse's ability.

Given the above, let's reorganise this deck to be a lot more leaner and more focused.

Pokemon - 14 total

  • 2 Xerneas EX
    2 Xerneas
    2 Spritzee
    2 Aromatisse
    1 Virizon EX
    1 Suicine
    1 Mewtwo EX
    2 Yveltal EX
    1 Seismitoad EX

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 33 total

  • 4 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre

    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Evosoda
    3 Max Potion
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Pal Pad
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Energy Retrieval
    2 Fairy Garden
    1 Dowsing Machine (A-SPEC)

Energy - 13 total

  • 4 Rainbow Energy
    2 Double Colourless Energy
    7 Fairy Energy

Now, I need to explain my choices. By thickening the draw support, you can get the support you need. For me, having such a low draw support means that you'll be relying on dead draws a lot. Tierno is the worst draw support since it only gives 3 compared to potentially 6 with N and 7 with Juniper. Lysandre is the better Catcher out of Pokemon Catcher and itself as it doesn't rely on a flip. Dowsing Machine allows you to retrieve any Trainer, even a Supporter and a better fit to the deck.

Also, dropping the Xerneas EX to 2 and bumping Yveltal EX to 2 is necessary in as Yveltal EX is the most powerful EX still in format. Carbink is just dead weight since it'll be hitting for only 100 whilst Yveltal can hit harder than it. Also, I've added Suicine since you don't have an attacker that can wall other EXs. You'll have a problem against Pyroar but I think you can still get around it by the use of Lysandre.

Finally, Max Potions are a must for this deck to deny your opponent any KOs.
Toro. thank you for your feedback! I appreciate your time in giving me advice on what you would change! Because I labeled this deck as more of a fun/competitive deck as opposed to a hyper-competitive, I'd just like to simply respond as to what is worth changing to the deck for your suggestion and what isn't. I 100% understand if you disagree, and I simply with you to hear my opinion on your advice.

1) I understand the metagame use of Virizion, but when Phantom Forces releases Slurpuff gets a draw support ability and I'm kinda a purist on deck building (which is why this deck isn't gonna be tier 1 on this build). Yveltal EX to 2 is 100% agreed on and I disagree on Suicune because I feel it's dead in most matchups and I agree on Carbink. I do agree Lysandre also needs to go to 2.

2&3) Although I'll agree 11 is too many, I disagree on 7. I would drop to 9 to add draw support, but a high energy count is needed because I don't believe using Rainbow energy on Xerneas EX is helpful, tho I think the Rainbow count should go to 3. As for draw support, I disagree with 4 N. I would run 3 N 3 Juniper, but because this deck is more Bench based, I would much rather run Colress.

4) Because this isn't built to be hyper-competitive, the energy cost doesn't bother me and honestly I run enough DCE to prevent this in-game and haven't found issues in testing.

5) You are 100% correct but I don't have $15 for a Dowsing Machine yet :p

6) I do like Max Potion, but I would rather run 1-2 Center Lady and 1 Max Potion to avoid a complete shut down in a Seismitoad or Garbodor matchup. To be honest, I find the Supporter choice in this deck for a normal hand is either a Colress/N for more cards or a Lysandre/Fan Club/Center Lady for other plays.
@Zach, we all agree and disagree. That's what makes Pokemon so unique is that there isn't a specifically 'strong' deck in a sense. :)

In any case, here's my counter-opinions to the above.

1) I can understand having Slurpuff as a draw support there. But the caveat is that you need it to be in the Active Slot to actually draw two cards. I'd rather focus on a flip to get more cards realistically. But that's your call.

2 & 3) For me, Rainbow already counts as 'Fairy' energy in a sense. Most decks rarely have more than 10 basic energy and DCE already cuts into that point. I'd disagree in the sense that Colress is a better supporter. In the initial start game, Pokemon Fan Club or Juniper would be a better start to get off with. N's much more useful in the long game depending on where you are. For me, if you are hesitant in discarding resources, then Shauna is also an acceptable choice.

4) Fair enough.

5) The alternative would be running no A-Spec in the deck and actually just add an additional card to help out.

6) Seismitoad/Garbodor is probably overhyped and decidedly so. Seismitoad isn't unbeatable, it's about just taking down everything that supports it such as Trubbish and the like. So in this case, I'd probably go with a 50/50 on healing items/healing supporters.
Toro, I completely understand your opinion on Slurpuff and the Rainbow energy. I guess I prefer the basics becuase they are searchable, and I am new to the competitive Pokemon scene so it takes me a bit to become accustomed to certain practices. As for Colress, I don't normally use it until I get at least 5 from it because I tend to fill the bench up. I am definitely going to look into Max Potion a bit more now thank you! Also thank you for being civil and understanding my opinion!