RE: Fairy Ideas??
As far as the deck goes... lists can get very eclectric since there's so many different attackers you can run. Keep in mind most of these guys aren't actually Fairy type, and thus require Rainbow Energy to use (though this is standard for Fairy decks right now).
Xerneas XY / Xenreas-EX - The "basic" Fairy cards that can attack without Rainbow Energy. Xerneas-EX in particular can hit hard, or snipe the bench with Break Through, but since it lacks KO power, it needs other attackers to supplement it.
M-Kangaskhan-EX - Has seen less play due to a lack of a Spirit Link and Fighting weakness, but still strong. 230 HP means nothing that isn't Fighting is going to one-shot it, but it's slow to get out and relies on coin flips for maximum damage. Counters Pyroar.
M-Manectric-EX - Solid attacker with a reliable 210 HP that also reattaches discarded basic energy. With the Spirit Link it's easier to get out than Kanga but suffers from the same Fighting weakness. Counters Pyroar.
Mewtwo-EX - Like Xerneas it can attack with only basic energy for X-Ball (what you want to use). The major drawback is that it requires a large energy investment to hit big numbers, and if KOed you will lose a lot of setup.
Yveltal-EX - In exchange for needing a Rainbow Energy it does 20 more damage than Mewtwo with the same drawbacks. Can also use Y-Cyclone to move Rainbow Energy to the bench if a KO is anticipated.
Suicune PLB - Two shots non-Megas with a Muscle Band and has Safeguard. Also takes care of Donphan.
Keldeo-EX - Another effective Donphan killer. Rush In can also be used to get rid of status conditions or save a Pokemon that can't retreat.
Virizion-EX - More of a bench sitter, but Emerald Slash will two-shot Seismitoad. Stops annoying Hypnotoxic Lasers.
Charizard-EX (Combustion Blast) - Counters VirGen, especially when coupled with Spiritomb. Solid attacker, but needs a risky two Rainbow Energy on it to use the powerful Combustion Blast.
Cobalion-EX - Hasn't seen much play lately, but can be useful against decks that run a lot of Special Energy.
Shaymin-EX - Very nice attack if you're behind on prizes, but also very fragile. Be careful with this one, though it does have a place in the format.
Seismitoad-EX / Malamar-EX - A new variant that focuses on locking the opponent down and disrupting them. This is different than "triaditional" Fairies because it runs Laserbank rather than Fairy Garden and uses Darkrai for free retreat instead. Definitely a dangerous force, but not without problems, including a crushing loss to VirGen.