• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Fairy Killer (Klinklang / Bronzong / Dialga EX / Cobalion EX)


Miss Vaanjie
This is the first deck I've ever made! I'm not a competetive player, and I'm not gonna play competetive, I just thought it would be fun to post a deck, someone might be able to use in the future :)

Pokemon: 19

  • 2x Klefki (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    2x Klink (PLS)
    2x Klinklang (PLS)
    3x Bronzor (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    3x Bronzong (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    3x Dialga EX (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    2x Cobalion EX (PLS)
    1x Keldeo EX (BCR)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 2x Steel Shelter
    3x Professor Sycamore
    2x N
    2x Switch
    2x Rare Candy
    2x Evosoda
    2x Shauna
    4x Ultra Ball
    3x Muscle Band
    2x Lysandre
    3x Skyla
    2x Colress
    2x Float Stone
Energy: 11

  • 3x Double Colourless Energy
    8x Metal Energy

Use Klefki to get Bronzor and Dialga/Skarmory on bench. Dialga and Skarmory are main attackers, while Bronzong is there for energy acceleration. Klinklang is there for protection against threads like Charizard EXs. Dialga discards the energies, which then will be transfered back by using Bronzong onto a benched Dialga or Skarmory. Steel Shelter is there to prevent poison and sleep from Hypnotoxic Laser.

One of the biggest threads to this deck is Pyroar (FF), because it'll prevent Dialga and Skarmory from attacking, and then there's only Klinklang and Bronzong, which aren't as good as the other two (Klinklang is kinda good, but Bronzong not so much), so if anyone has any ideas, they'll be much appreciated :)

Make sure to put in translations for the unreleased cards! Thanks! :D ~Kecleon

Bronzong - Metal - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bronzor

Ability: Metal Chain
Once during your turn, you may choose 1 Metal Energy from your discard pile and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

[M][M][C] Hammer In: 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3

Dialga-EX - Metal - HP180
Basic Pokemon

[M][C][C] Chrono Wind: 60 damage. If the opponent's Active Pokemon is a Pokemon-EX, it cannot attack during your opponent's next turn.
[M][M][C][C] Fullmetal Impact: 150 damage. Discard 2 [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

Klefki - Metal - HP70
Basic Pokemon

[M] Call for Family: Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[M][C] Dull Light: 20 damage. Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Steel Shelter - Trainer

Remove all Special Conditions from [M] Pokemon in play. [M] Pokemon cannot be affected by Special Conditions.

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
RE: Fairy Killer

Since you have Bronzong to recycle Energy(Unless you're up against Wobbuffet or Garbodor), 14 Metal Enegy is Excessive. I would say you only need 6-8. Your supporter line is a bit lacking as well. I can forgive you, since this is a sort of budget deck from the looks of it, but you only have 6 search/draw Supporters. Try Colress and Skyla!
RE: Fairy Killer

GadgetJax said:
Since you have Bronzong to recycle Energy(Unless you're up against Wobbuffet or Garbodor), 14 Metal Enegy is Excessive. I would say you only need 6-8. Your supporter line is a bit lacking as well. I can forgive you, since this is a sort of budget deck from the looks of it, but you only have 6 search/draw Supporters. Try Colress and Skyla!

I removed 6 energies, so that the total is 8 and I've added 3 of each, do you think that's enough? :)

simsands said:
Cobalion EX! Easily your best counter against Pyroar.

How would you put it/them into the deck? :)
RE: Fairy Killer (Klinklang / Bronzong / Dialga EX / Skarmory EX)

I would:

-2 Skarmory EX
-1 Dialga EX

+2 Cobalion EX
+1 Keldeo EX

-4 Energy Switch
-4 Energy Search (neither of these are super important in this deck, energy search is never really needed when profs letter exists)
-2 Switch
-1 Colress
-1 Double Colourless Energy

+4 Ultra Ball
+2 Professors Letter (ultra ball and profs letter make a good combo allowing you to discard the two searched energies for Ultra ball, allowing. You to get a pokemon and also energy in the discard.)
+2 Float Stone (for Keldeo - rush in/retreat for dialga)
+3 Muscle Band (muscle band allows for dialga to OHKO 170Hp exs)
+1 Sycamore (better draw and allows for energies to be discarded for Bronzong )

Reasons for changes in brackets :)
RE: Fairy Killer (Klinklang / Bronzong / Dialga EX / Skarmory EX)

Squirtle Squad said:
I would:

-2 Skarmory EX
-1 Dialga EX

+2 Cobalion EX
+1 Keldeo EX

-4 Energy Switch
-4 Energy Search (neither of these are super important in this deck, energy search is never really needed when profs letter exists)
-2 Switch
-1 Colress
-1 Double Colourless Energy

+4 Ultra Ball
+2 Professors Letter (ultra ball and profs letter make a good combo allowing you to discard the two searched energies for Ultra ball, allowing. You to get a pokemon and also energy in the discard.)
+2 Float Stone (for Keldeo - rush in/retreat for dialga)
+3 Muscle Band (muscle band allows for dialga to OHKO 170Hp exs)
+1 Sycamore (better draw and allows for energies to be discarded for Bronzong )

Reasons for changes in brackets :)

Thanks! Added your suggestions :)
Really clever technique with Keldeo! :D
I've recently though of a variation of this deck:

Pokemon: 22

  • 2x Emolga (LTR)
    2x Klink (PLS)
    2x Klinklang (PLS)
    3x Bronzor (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    3x Bronzong (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    3x Dialga EX (Hyper Metal Chain Deck)
    2x Trubbish (LTR)
    2x Garbodor (LTR)
    1x Keldeo EX (BCR)
    2x Cobalion EX (PLS)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 27

  • 2x Steel Shelter
    3x Professor Sycamore
    2x N
    2x Rare Candy
    2x Evosoda
    2x Shauna
    3x Ultra Ball
    3x Muscle Band
    2x Lysandre
    2x Skyla
    2x Colress
    4x Float Stone
Energy: 11

  • 3x Double Colorless Energy
    8x Metal Energy

Use Emolga to get Bronzor and Dialga/Cobalion on bench. Dialga and Cobalion are main attackers, while Bronzong is there for energy acceleration. Klinklang is there for protection against threads like Charizard EXs. Dialga discards the energies, which then will be transfered back by using Bronzong onto a benched Dialga or Cobalion. Steel Shelter is there to prevent poison and sleep from Hypnotoxic Laser. Garbodor is there to prevent Pyroars ability from working.
I think that you have a little bit too much pokemon variety in your deck.
I been tinkering with a KlinKlang Cobalion deck, but mostly waiting for the new set to get released.
I just played in a mini league challenge and ran up against 3 straight Lucario/Landorus/Mewtwo/Garb decks.
at least in my area of CA, this deck is in high use.
so you need to consider adding at least x2 Startling Megaphones.
I personally rather go Poke Fan Club vs. Emolga. Emolga takes up a slot and is an easy prize for opponent.
I've been using a couple of Team Flare Grunt to slow down Fighting decks.
I've also bypassed Cobalion Steel Bullet in the early game in favor of Righteous Edge.
Right Edge only does 30 damage, but you can discard their special (Fighting) energy.
also you need to be careful of Seis EX as it shuts down y our trainers. thrown in a Klang to naturally evolve Klink.
don't forget a Stadium and ACE SPEC.