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Standard Fairy M/Gardevoir EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 13
  • 3 Gardevoir-EX GEN
  • 3 M Gardevoir-EX GEN
  • 2 Spritzee XY
  • 2 Aromatisse XY
  • 3 Xerneas XY
Support/Items/Stadiums: 37
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 1 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 Tierno
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 Roller Skates
  • 3 Trainers' Mail
  • 3 Gardevoir Spirit Link
  • 2 Max Potion
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Max Elixir
  • 3 Fairy Garden
Energy: 10
  • 10 Fairy Energy
Total Cards - 60

The strategy for this deck is to buff up M Gardevoirs attack via Xerneas and or Max Elixirs as fast as possible to reach a point where you one shot most things. I use a combination of Fairy Garden, Aromatisse and Max Potions to keep my Gardevoirs as healthy as possible.

Im using alot of budget stuff because I just recently started playing Pokemon tcg again so no shaymin anytime soon. :( Any advice and suggestions would be really appreciated! ^_^
Not sure how much tierno helps but maybe drop those two add a trainers mail and ultra ball? Switch Shauna for N now that he is reprinted, and drop roller skates for octillery (cheaper version of shaymin) but he is usable every turn. Idk how much that would help. Those maybe more of my own personal bias good luck though.
Bournopolis is right, Octillary is really helpful. I run a Mega Gardevoir deck, and there are a few things you are going to want to switch. Firstly, I wouldn't run any Prof. Sycamore. And my reason is, you have no means of grabbing back any of the energy or pokemon you discarded. Which is why Shauna is the better choice, however Prof. Birch is good too. But I prefer Shauna because no matter what I get 5 cards. Another thing you will want to take out are those Roller Skates. There's definitely a better option. Sure Tierno is a supporter, but you'd be better off with a for sure 3 cards instead of gambling. And I think the most helpful card in my entire deck is Evosoda. If your bench is teeming with fairy energy, you can easily play evosoda and Mega Evolve that Gardevoir and start taking Prize Cards! Finally I would suggest either putting in some Professors letters, or adding more energy. I prefer the latter. Oh, and with all of those Darkrai and Spoongod Decks floating around the darkest parts of hell, I think some Wonder energy would be a smart choice since they negate all status ailments. Just watch out for enhanced hammers! Hope this helps, and have fun playing one of my favorite decks ever!​
Bournopolis is right, Octillary is really helpful. I run a Mega Gardevoir deck, and there are a few things you are going to want to switch. Firstly, I wouldn't run any Prof. Sycamore. And my reason is, you have no means of grabbing back any of the energy or pokemon you discarded. Which is why Shauna is the better choice, however Prof. Birch is good too. But I prefer Shauna because no matter what I get 5 cards. Another thing you will want to take out are those Roller Skates. There's definitely a better option. Sure Tierno is a supporter, but you'd be better off with a for sure 3 cards instead of gambling. And I think the most helpful card in my entire deck is Evosoda. If your bench is teeming with fairy energy, you can easily play evosoda and Mega Evolve that Gardevoir and start taking Prize Cards! Finally I would suggest either putting in some Professors letters, or adding more energy. I prefer the latter. Oh, and with all of those Darkrai and Spoongod Decks floating around the darkest parts of hell, I think some Wonder energy would be a smart choice since they negate all status ailments. Just watch out for enhanced hammers! Hope this helps, and have fun playing one of my favorite decks ever!​
I would actually disagree with Octillery. Octillery is good in decks that tend to thin out their hands a ton and need a ton of draw support (Greninja, Magnezone Box, Gallade etc.) If anything I would run a 2 of JirachiXY67. It turns Night March and Vespiquen/Vileplume into a decent matchups. In short here are the changes I would make:

-4 Roller Skates(Better Options)
-2 Tierno (Just... no)
-2 Shauna (N is better)
-1 Professor Birch's Observations (again N is better)
-2 Level Ball (Unnecessary)

+2 JirachiXY67 (Night March and Vespiquen/Vileplume)
+1 Delinquent (Great against Night March)
+2 N (Great draw supporter)
+4 Puzzle of Time
+1 Max Elixir
+1 Ultra Ball (Amazing card)

Try these out! Hope this helps :)