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Fairybox Barrage (M Kangaskhan-EX / Excadrill / Aromatisse)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Spritzee (FLF 67)
    2 Kangaskhan-EX
    2 M Kangaskhan-EX
    2 Aromatisse (XY 93)
    2 Drilbur (PCL 89)
    2 Excadrill (PCL 97)
    2 Xerneas (XY 96)
    1 Keldeo-EX
    1 Mewtwo-EX
    1 Charizard-EX

  • 3 Professor Sycamore
    3 Professor Birch's Observations
    2 Skyla
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Xerosic
    3 VS Seeker

    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Max Potion
    2 Head Ringer
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Starling Megaphone
    1 Computer Search

    3 Fairy Garden

  • 6 Fairy Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy


Start with Xerneas if possible. If I can't start w/ Xerneas, find an opportunity to set up M Kangaskhan, Aromatisse, and/or Excadrill(Barrage) to tank and/or KO threats that could otherwise doom my sub-EXes(or, pokemon w/ lower HP than EXes). Once set up, find an opportunity to Fairy Transfer, whether to prep for attack, Max Potion(if necessary), etc., in order to pressure my foes to do extra effort to make the stops that prevent me from completing the process of drawing all six prizes to win. In other words, self-explanatory, w/ a Barrage twist... :)

^ What do you think? I tested it on TCGOne, and it creamed the competition once it is set up, and although I lost at times, those times involve setup delays when comparing how fast my foe sets up his/her board vs. how fast I set up my board... Any suggestions on improvements? I know that 18 pokemon is a little much, but when it comes to fairybox w/ Excadrill, do you think it's an exception to the "too much pokemon" number?

^ Any help to make it better would be appreciated. Thanks! Comment away while I'm off to lunch. I'll check my feedback in a little while. Thanks!