Moved from the TCG Help & Advice to the Collector's Showcase & Pulls, which is were questions on checking if cards are fake belong. ~bbninjas
Yeah, the other three Charizards are fake. The first hint is that the card is super thin, which is an obvious tell for a fake. The second hint is that all three EXs should be shiny (like this) when turned against light, but I don't think they from the picture.
Cool, Thank you so much for the advice!I'd agree that all of those cards are fake.
The best way for you to compare for yourself is to go to Bulbapedia or Pokellector and find scans of the cards that they're meant to be. You'll be able to pick out the differences and come to a conclusion. The vast majority of fake cards don't replicate real Pokemon cards exactly. The quality is often much poorer (as bbninjas mentioned above, they are usually very thin and feel cheap).
Charizard EX:
M Charizard EX:
As you can see the borders between the fake cards and the real cards are very different.
I hope that helps!