Fake set Nature's Wrath

53. Bulbasaur
54. Charmander
55. Ditto
56. Ekans
57. Geodude
58. Gible
59. Growlithe
60. Koffing
61. Magikarp
62. Magnemite
63. Mermag
64. Pigus
65. Pikachu
66. Ponyta
67. Raptora
68. Rhyhorn
69. Riolu
70. Shellos East Sea
71. Shellos West Sea
72. Shinx
73. Smeargle
74. Squirtle
Rare trainer
75. Pitch Black
76. Ragnarok Cave
77. Research Facility
78. Time
Those are very good. I didn't know you were skilled at making cards also. This will be a very good set, I know it. I also like Blastoise Lv. X and Garchomp Lv. X. Those were really cool!
Common trainer
85. Colorless Plate
86. Dark Plate
87. Fighting Plate
88. Fire Plate
89. Grass Plate
90. Metal Plate
91. Psychic Plate
92. Thunder Plate
93. Water Plate
Rare Lv X
94. Blastoise Lv X
95. Charizard Lv X
96. Darkrai Lv X
97. Deuslord Lv X
98. Garchomp Lv X
99. Rexervus Lv X
100. Venusaur Lv X
Hidden Card
101. Arceus Lv X
102. Darkrai Lv X
103. Dialga Lv X
104. Palkia Lv X
105. Shinning Mew

I break the list down.
It can't fit on a single post.