BW/BW2 Famitsu Review

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Just saw this. Heres a bigger pic, incase that one was too small,

Does anyone have a translation for what the reviews say about the game?
(New to posting here btw, but been reading for a while)
Wow, I always thought Pokemon games got 40/40 scores in famitsu....

It seems like anytime I look at famitsu it's giving out 40/40's Suprising it's only given it out 15 times. Feels like so much more.
This must be top notch to have achieved that level.Although famitsu is filled with nintendo fanatics who will rate anything decent.
Yayy! If it gets so good score at other videogame sites like gamespot, gametrailer etc. then many people will change their opinion about the games!! yay!
My brother said, when he saw the Famitsu review of the game, "Rubbish!" Black and White is Far, from Rubbish!
I'm not surprised by this. People were looking for a decent change in the games, and now they've got it. These games are going to be HUGE, there's no doubt that.
IM not surprised at all about the perfect score, seeing how the games are. I knew it will be amazing.
Hang on... if this game's been reviewed, it must have been played, and if it's been played, the reviewers would have seen most if not all of the new pokemon. And if they've seen the pokemon, WHY CAN'T THEY TELL US WHAT THEY ALL ARE!? Their job is to review games in general, so not just pokemon games, but there are many fans out there who are dying to hear some fresh news, and the reviewers get to see them before us!? >:[ Not fair. [/rant]

As for the score the games achieved, I must say I am deeply impressed. Therefore I assume the starter "evos" were fake; otherwise the games would have probably got 30/40! :p The fact that they are the highest-scoring pokemon games says a lot about this gen. I believe we have every reason to like the new games, especially after the amazing reception they got! :)
Yet the other games with "better" starters score BELOW that for the same reasons? I don't think so. Wait until we have legit sources until everybody makes their final statements about the starter's final evos.
That's amazing news to here. Now we know for sure that Black and White is going to be a good game. I can not wait for it to come out in March. But either way I'm going to check out what's going on with the Japanese release date in a few days. SO EXCITED!
Yes. One review done and a couple more to go. I'm glad that Black/White got such a good rating. Gamefreak must be proud of their hard work and determination to make this an awesome game. Now we just have to wait to see what Gamestop rates it. My moneys on 9.7.

(I wonder which game the raters liked better Black or White? Because they are not the same games. Different pokemon, places, etc.)
America always, from what ive seen, doesnt like things as much as other places do.
Okay. i havent been in america as much as some other people so i dont know how hard americans are.
^Trust me. We rate/grade our games very seriously. I actually don't think I have ever seen a perfect review on (for a game) Gamestop. There may be one, but I don't recall of it. The highest I have seen was a 9.8. It was either that or 9.4.
Timeshift said:
Hang on... if this game's been reviewed, it must have been played, and if it's been played, the reviewers would have seen most if not all of the new pokemon. And if they've seen the pokemon, WHY CAN'T THEY TELL US WHAT THEY ALL ARE!? Their job is to review games in general, so not just pokemon games, but there are many fans out there who are dying to hear some fresh news, and the reviewers get to see them before us!? >:[ Not fair. [/rant]

As for the score the games achieved, I must say I am deeply impressed. Therefore I assume the starter "evos" were fake; otherwise the games would have probably got 30/40! :p The fact that they are the highest-scoring pokemon games says a lot about this gen. I believe we have every reason to like the new games, especially after the amazing reception they got! :)

Part of the Reviewer's code when they receive a game early than the whole rest of the public is that they DON'T spoil anything major and huge. I mean, think about it. You're a developer giving your game weeks early in TRUST to a person to review it (and hopefully rate it good in the process, letting more people know that this game is one to watch for when it actually does get released). You're basically giving it all away just to have someone review it. If you were to tell everything, nobody would then be as excited for it because they got spoiled unfairly. It's just not good to do something like that, especially for selfish fans IMO.

Anyway, a perfect score is very nice. Considering this is an early review, I'm a tad skeptical that they games are indeed as good as this one review says. I'd like to hear more from other review sites, as well when the games are released in English.

dmaster out.
We rate/grade our games very seriously. I actually don't think I have ever seen a perfect review on (for a game) Gamestop. There may be one, but I don't recall of it. The highest I have seen was a 9.8. It was either that or 9.4.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 got a perfect score from Gamestop just in the past few months. Not sure of any other games, but I'm pretty sure there are some.

Anyhow, this is exciting indeed, the games must feel completely fresh and new to garner this kind of score. I'm interested in seeing what other reviews have to say.
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