Farewell to Pokemon


Aspiring Trainer
I just wanted to say farewell to the Pokemon TCG. My local league closed down, so I guess I won't be playing Pokemon anymore. Thank you for helping me with strategy's and deck idea's. I made lots of friends and had many good times playing Pokemon, but now I'm moving on. Gooodbye!
or just play with some friends and go to the tournaments. I've never been to a league and I play all the time.
In 2005 I retired from Pokemon because my whole deck got rotated out, and in 2006, organized play in Singapore collapsed entirely. 4 years later, Pokemon TCG is back, and so am I, starting entirely from scratch and having a ton of fun, except when facing a SP deck.

Don't be sad that your local league has closed down. It will probably come back one day, and you can always play with your friends.
jordanbakersays said:
or just play with some friends and go to the tournaments. I've never been to a league and I play all the time.

Same here.

Don't let that make you quit, if you enjoy playing, you should continue going to tournaments and playing with friends.
Yeah play with some friends you don't need to quite Pokemon TCG if your local league has closed down. You just have think of other things that you can possibly do.
You don't have to quit just because you lost league I've never been to one in my live and I'm a decent player and can still enjoy the game. However if you do decide to leave don't sell your cards you might get back into it. Also give the video games a shot.
You really shouldn't quit just because of the league closing down. I rarely go to my league and still play with friends all the time. Unless your really not liking the game anymore then I wouldnt quit. And of course theres still the video games.
I agree, pick up the video games.

If I had quit Pokemon when my league stopped, I wouldn't be here today as it happened about '02. I mainly collect though occasionally I find people to play.

If you really love something, you always find a way to make it continue in some form.
Def. do not quit I am in Japan right now and I am just collecting. The video games are great (everything is wifi) so just pick that up
Yup. The games are great. I build decks and collect for fun, but I don't play competitively. Don't abandon the game you've played for a long time just because of that. If you do leave, good luck.