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Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck (accelgor + starmie)


is a Doctor Who Nerd
I've been playing around with this deck for a while on playtcg and this is my current list. (click on card names to see scans).
The strategy is to set up accelgor and starmie, hitting for 60-50 damage every turn for one energy. Tyrogue is for cheap hits & early k.os.
For anyone confused with the tyrogue/ twins engine, i will explain. this is not a slow deck. the aim of this deck is not to fall behind in prizes, it is to hit with cheap, quick attacks every turn, but, no matter how many hits i get off of my tyrogues, i always seem to fall behind in prizes at some point in the game (largely due to the low hp of my main pokemon). the twins and black belt should help this problem out enormously.

4 shelmet (NV 11)
4 accelgor (NV 12)
3 staryu (ND 23)
3 starmie (ND 24)
2 tyrogue (HGSS 33)
3 dual ball (UL 72)
3 level ball (ND 89)
4 junk arm (TR 87)
1 super rod (NV 95)
2 energy exchanger (UD 73)
2 pluspower (UL 80)
3 pokemon catcher (DE 111)
4 PONT (CL 83)
1 switch (HGSS 102)
4 twins (TR 89)
3 N (NV 101)
1 black belt (TR 85)
1 pokegear 3.0 (HGSS 96)
6 grass energy (HGSS 115)
6 water energy (HGSS 117)

This deck can also be found in the gallery of Bebe's search

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, as is any comment discussing the competetive viability of this deck. please do not, however, post comments telling me to change the main pokemon of my deck, or run a completely different deck (E.G: telling me to replace accelgor NV 12 with accelgor DE 11).

Thank you in advance
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

60 and 50 per turn isn't going to get you anywhere. You will have to hit an EX 3 times with Slashing Strike, and if it's a Darkrai, they'll be ko'ing you and your benched Tyrogues every turn.
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

Infinity said:
60 and 50 per turn isn't going to get you anywhere. You will have to hit an EX 3 times with Slashing Strike, and if it's a Darkrai, they'll be ko'ing you and your benched Tyrogues every turn.
that is what the twins are for. tyrogues will hit darkrai for 60 and ex's also give up two prizes. however, i realize that this is not a competetive deck, which is why i have listed it as rogue.
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

Mischievous Punch isn't affected by weakness or resistance.
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

stage 1 rush... use donphan prime atleast, he hits for 60 dmg for 1 energy and can take multiple hits(not to mention he owns electric pokemon)
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

JayKam said:
stage 1 rush... use donphan prime atleast, he hits for 60 dmg for 1 energy and can take multiple hits(not to mention he owns electric pokemon)

i really like donphan prime, but just cannot seem to like 10 damage to own benched pokemon

Infinity said:
Mischievous Punch isn't affected by weakness or resistance.

sorry, my mistake
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

What do people think about removing the tyrogues and adding in a 1-1 zoroark BLW line?
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

Please include your main Pokémon in your thread title.
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

juniper over n because u will get more draw. keep tyrogue hes what makes the deck i like this deck because its a big troll deck i might run it.
RE: Fast & furious: A fun new rogue deck

I‘d keep one Tyrogue and take the other out.

Accelgor‘s Acid Spray attack is a pretty powerful effect too, you might want to capitalize on that by running Crushing Hammer and/or Lost Remover. It will open up a new possible game plan for the deck, doesn‘t take away from the basic idea of the deck, and compensates a bit for the low HP of your attackers. Not sure what to take out for it though, because this is quite the unusual deck.

-1 Tyrogue, -3 Grass Energy, -3 Water Energy, -2 Energy Exchanger, +4 Rainbow Energy, +3 Crushing Hammer, +2 Lost Remover maybe?