Writing Fate Or Chance. A Fire Emblem ZiharkXIlyana fic for 10+! Slight Update


Please read from top to bottom covering every written bit of information before moving on to the actual fic. Basically starting from the top read the whole post. Thanks.

Disclaimer:I do not own or am associated with Fire Emblem in anyway.
I think that's how you do those right?

Even though I am pretty sure i don't have any readers i still wanted to at least let my imaginary ones know that i will not be updating the fic till summer break! So sorry. I am so busy with school its just not gonna happen. So don't expect anything more till April 17ish :/.

Directory. Here you will find a list of the all the contents of this page (I.E. available chapters, *Im probably on going to do another two or three more just so you know* introduction etc.)
2. Links To pics and other need-to-know information before reading the fic.
3.Chapters: A. Fate Or Chance B. The Real Problem C.- D.-
4. Final thoughts or longer writer’s notes.
5. Your review/thoughts hopefully!

1. Introduction:
Okay I know centering my whole fic around the Fire Emblem universe is weird. The game is both relatively unpopular and uncommon. However I have good reasons for choosing to center my fic around it. One I have recently played Fire Emblem again so the story is pretty fresh in my mind. Knowing exactly what the characters personality’s should be like is very helpful. Plus I can easily decide who I most want in the fic (yes I have problems with favoritism). Two, recently I stumbled across some other FE fics and found them very interesting. I have always enjoyed Fire Emblem. Both it’s story line and game play are really enjoyable. Of course after playing Path Of Radiance (this particular fic is set in Tellius also know as the world In Path Of Radiance and Radiant Dawn) two or three times and being well on my second way through Radiant Dawn I know the course of the game quite well and I can say that sometimes I enjoy thinking about what characters would be like if they were real or maybe what they would look like IRL (you can try as hard as you want but when it comes to cosplay it’s always hard to tell exactly who that guy or girl is really trying to look like). So when I started reading some fan fics I found it very entertaining to know the imaginary world I enjoy reading about and being involved with through the game and my imagination has some actual extensions. The fan fics add unique changes and differences (which can be extreme) to that story. Each fic has it’s own style, which is entirely dependant on the writer of it. So I suppose you could say I was relatively inspired by both the game’s (of course) and other people’s (unexpectedly) version of Fire Emblem. I would also like to say that the reason I chose Romance and Action was because I enjoy both genres. Romance mostly in reading (ie, Manga, (((certain))) books etc) but Anime is definitely an exception. Action in reading’s counterpart being Movies or Television. In addition with the way the Naruto manga has been going recently I have been craving some sort anime/manga style shipping. After being unsatisfied with googling Naruto pairings I resorted to looking up Fire Emblem ones. Though I extremely enjoyed reading some other Fire Emblem romance fics I was left unsatisfied and had to write my own (not saying that I write better than other people, a good 70-80% of people can write better than me but it was one of those do-it-yourself things I was needing to do). In fact I am willing to say it was more of a combination of boredom/lack of a way to express myself that I caused me to write this. So anyway if you can find a way in your heart to disregard my lack of originality I would appreciate it. As for the age level i think 10+ works well. For violence, blood, mild romantic themes and very slight sexual innuendo (the innuendo is so slight that its not even worth mentioning but i am because of my precautionary attitude towards writing, at least when im the one writing that is). I wouldn't expect any gore but that is slightly possible so i may have to rate the last chapter uniquely as thats the only place it would happen. I won't put anything sexually inappropriate in it, i can guarantee that. Expect mild to moderate language, i won't be putting anything beyond "hell" or "damn" so no f-bomb bombs or a certain mistranslated german word for poop or anything above or relatively below those two. But like i said it should be perfectly fine for anyone 10+, and in all honestly below, it really just depends on maturity when it comes to this things. In anycase i sincerely hope you enjoy my fic. -LT

P.S. Every once in a while I might put an editors note in asterisks like this, *This fic is “hip”* so if you see one heed its warning or bare on with that information in mind. So basically what im telling you is don’t ignore them.

2. Links to pics of characters, artwork, related things, unrelated things. Basically anything you need to see before reading. Also note I recommend reading the whole page of each page I link you to because there is a strong chance a lot of you will not have played either Path Of Radiance or Radiant Dawn before and there is a lot you will need to know before reading my fic.
A. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Zihark
B. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Ilyana
C. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Mia
D. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Soren
E. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Ike
F. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Path_of_Radiance *Just read the plot on this one*
G. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Radiant_Dawn *Again, the plot*
I'll edit this if i can think of anything else.

3. Chapters of the fic itself.
A. Fate Or Chance
B. The Real Problem
C. -
D. -

A. Fate Or Chance.Chance, A Zihark X Ilyana fan fic.

Part one Fate Or Chance.

It always appeared like Zihark was the one with the crush, like he was the one with true attraction out of the two. Maybe because he approached her at Port Toha not the other way around. Maybe because he could have a bold attitude at times. Even from a neutral stand point, someone with no insight on either of them, that Zihark was the one with the real attraction, that he was the one who chasing, not her. Although it may have seemed like that, it wasn’t. All the things that appeared like Zihark hitting on Ilyana were just Zihark commenting a cute girl. (someone like Zihark would basically always take the chance to comment on a girl he might consider attractive. Of course never in a romantic. Zihark is just nice like that.) However for Ilyana it wasn’t the same. She found the tall, sword wielding man with purple hair very attractive (in a sort of romantic way). However when she first saw him she was frightened. His fighting prowess was what frightened her. The first time she saw him fight the speed at which he defeated his foes and the technique he used was a thing to be feared on the battle field. Often he swung his blade either upward or downward in a diagonal slash which sometimes completely sliced the enemy in half. In fact one time he did so while Ilyana was standing too close to him while fighting and she got sprayed with blood (which he quickly apologized for, receiving a blush from her in return((he had a hard time figuring out why she was embarrassed and not mad))). Even though his ability scared her at first once she started trusting him and honestly knew he was on her side, fighting with her, alongside her, she was comforted by his presence on the battle field and often stuck close to him. This furthered her attraction to him. Besides her attraction to normal things (i.e., appearance, skill, personality etc.), there were a few things that Ilyana and only Ilyana would have noticed about him and what’s not find them appealing. To start of she found that she liked the way he smelled He did not have any body odor really, nor did he wear any perfume to smell nice. Whereas normally you might notice BO or not because its either there or its not. But Ilyana did notice a particular smell that, as I said before, added to her attraction to him. I suppose the best way to describe it would be by rubbing the skin atop your head, the oil found there that your body produces might be decent way to describe the type of “scent” Ilyana found oh so luring. Even stranger she found watching him eat very entertaining. Something about how delicately he would bite and chew his food, maybe that he ate small portions (the leftovers of which were often given to her). Some might say that it was just the fact he would give what he didn’t eat to her (Mia thought that too) except that on a few occasions he did eat a lot and there were no leftovers she still watched him eat every bite with joy. I suppose you could just say she found just about everything about him attractive in one way or another. He found many things about her attractive as well, of course, there matching hair color was probably one of the first things he noticed about her. Though he may not of thought of it as cute her appetite and metabolism were interesting. There was something else he noticed about her though. Her loneliness. She sat by her self regularly. She rarely spoke to anyone but some of the people in the convoy that traveled with them, like Aimee and Muston. He knew this did not necessarily mean something was wrong with her and that she might just enjoy being alone but sometimes he found it hard to see her sit and twiddle her thumbs all the time (at least when she wasn’t eating). Sometimes he would go and sit beside her and kindly ask her how she was doing or how she was feeling (basically small talk). Though he did not know, despite her always blushing when they would talk, she enjoyed those times more than he could imagine. If there were two things that I am sure about It would be one, that Zihark did not think of Ilyana the way she thought of him.
Two, Ilyana thought of Zihark as more of a crush. He was not entirely a love interest, more that Zihark gave Ilyana something to think about and dwell on besides her hunger. She did not know that it would not be long before thinking about Zihark only enraged her metabolism and her hunger. Part one fin.

B. The Real Problem.

Part 2 The Real Problem.
Originally Ilyana suspected that like all crushes, hers would simply fade out. After a while she would see a better looking boy and her attraction would be diverted with it. This was the conclusion she came to. After lots of hours of thought and patient arguments with her self this was her conclusion. However there were two problems with that. One, she is not in middle school. She’s twenty years old. Ilyana has definitely matured and therefore her mind does not work like that. Her affection for Zihark is definitely based on more than just looks. Proof of this is that any girl who does not believe she will outgrow her looks-based crush on Robert Pattinson thinks like, well, a middle schooler, any girl who believes she will is probably right and has matured enough to an rational extent. Ilyana observed her crush and decided she would grow out of it. No doubt her crush was based on more than looks unlike oh so many red faced girls coming out of New Moon. Twilight references aside, there was still another problem. The real problem. Ilyana came to her conclusion well before this happened, just so you know. In other words what im about to till you happened about a month a month after she decided to wait out her affection’s. Because honestly, despite the fact it was only a crush, she was having a hard time waking up every morning knowing a day of dealing with both life and Zihark’ appearance. You see it was just another battle, mixed with some chance an overpowered metabolism and hunger that is. On this particular day Zihark was doing an amazing job fighting and defeating his enemies. And Ilyana was feeling particularly impressed by this. So everything was going well. The army was definitely defeating its enemy. And the battle was nearing its end. And then, through a chain of events it happened. Where I suppose you could say it all really started. A fire mage tried to cast an Elfire on Zihark. With his amazing speed he dodged it but just barely, to the extent where he was still covered with some of the flames but not enough to burn him. He jumped out of the fire for a follow up attack. His hair rustling in the wind, his sword shining from the suns rays reflecting of its mirror surface, his body dusted with small red sparks which were remnants from the Elfire which definitely added to the glamour, even a small trail of flames licked at his heels as he jumped out of the fire which, unlike anywhere else, did happen to be hot enough to burn his boots. He quickly slashed the mage 5 consecutive times. Each time he hit a small explosion would occur which caused fire to slightly engulf his hands and his sword but not enough so to burn him, the flames of which were caused by the mage continually failing to properly manifest another Elfire. When he finished some smoke (that looked a lot like fog) from the Elfire settled around his feet. A few remaining sparks fluttered around him like fireflies as he sheathed his glistening sword. While doing so his long purple and blue tinged hair covered half his face. He looked up from under from his hair, his gaze which immediately caught Ilyana’s. You see when that mage first caste that Elfire Ilyana saw the flames out of her peripheral vision, so she immediately spun around to see what was happening, of course doing so allowed her to watch the whole thing from about 25-30 feet away. Ilyana could feel her face go red. She was completely mesmerized by what had just happened. It was easily the greatest combination of grace, power and a hot guy she had ever seen. When Zihark looked something bad happened. Real bad. For some reason we she felt emotions at intense levels her ever voracious metabolism’s power would grow. So naturally when she went red (which obviously means that she was feeling some intense emotion) her metabolism spiked. Cooped with the fact she had just fought a battle you could guess that it would not be long before her hunger got her.
The battle was nearly over. Ike, Mia and Soren had cornered off the last five enemies. At the same time when the fire mage got pwned one of the soldiers they had cornered escaped from the semi-circle they had made around him. Ilyana (who was both frozen and set on fire by Zihark) was completely unaware of what was about to happen. The soldier who escaped the circle was running straight at her. He didn’t care that she would not see her killer. He didn’t care she would die a surprised and cold death. He didn’t care he was about to practically assassinate the helpless girl. He had his killer’s intent and wasn’t going to stop for anything. About 10 seconds before the soldier would have impaled her in the chest (which in turn would have impaled her heart instantly killing her) Zihark saw what was about to happen. When I said it would not be long before her hunger got to her I meant it, cause that moment was now. Out of all the times it could have got to her. Any other time would have been good. She immediately became light headed and fell into a sort half conscious half unconscious sort of state which made her extremely woozy (I have never been high but that’s what I would imagine it feels like :p), she started losing her balance. Seven seconds till she dies. Six seconds, Zihark starts running to her and she notices the soldier as well. Five seconds, the soldier is 20 feet away. Four seconds, Zihark is 19 feet away, Ilyana realizes she is about to die. Three seconds, there both 15 feet away. Two seconds, Ilyana starts to fall, the soldier pulls his lance back and Zihark jumps for Ilyana. One second till her death, Zihark reaches Ilyana and catches her from her fall. Zero, saved but she still gets lightly stabbed in the right shoulder. While still holding her Zihark sticks out his sword and stabs the soldier straight through the chest. Letting go of his sword, the soldier staggers for a few steps, then falls dead to the ground. However because of the circumstances cooped with the fact that she was only half a second away from getting ran through the heart with a lance (she still thinks she got stabbed just so you know) she is positive that she just got killed. When Zihark grabbed her, her head fell straight to his chest, her lips of which somehow found them selves pressed against his neck (of course being Ilyana she just figured that it was actually a cloud) . His soft embrace further convinced her that she was just rising to heaven or something like that (she wasn’t entirely sure). When Mia attempted to pull her off away from him, Ilyana, being the type of girl she is, thought that it was some foul creature trying to drag her to hell for some evil deed. So she did what any so she did what any girl would do, one position her self so that her whole body was upon the cloud, (where as before only her upper body was resting on him now she was entirely laying on him, doing so knocked him flat on his back, but that goes without saying as its impossible to lay on a vertical surface) and two cling to what ever was holding her back from the demon, which happened to be Zihark, so she wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. At this point Mia stopped trying to pull her away. Ilyana was happy she didn’t have to deal with that “demon” anymore and could now peacefully stay in “heaven” (assuming Zihark was heaven). Ilyana thought to herself that if this was heaven then she didn’t mind dying. She was at complete peace. Something about were she was right now, this second. Made her forget all her problems and troubles. She was genuinely happy. Everything was so great. Unfortunately for Ilyana the moment was about to end. She started feeling pain in her shoulder The first thing that came to mind was, “what gives? Your not supposed to feel pain when your in Heaven!”. She started noticing more things about heaven that were not quite right. For example, “Why does heaven’s landscape slowly move up and down? How come I can hear other people talking? And why the hell does heaven have a heart beat?” Ilyana started a mental recap on everything that had happened just before she “died”. The last thing she remember was seeing Zihark flying straight at her. She started panicking. Her hands moved to find a place that could support her body weight so she could look around. Her fingers met Zihark’s. She started to sweat. Her other hand found Zihark’s other palm as well. If there was one thing Ilyana knew it was that clouds do not have hands. To scared to move her hands from the current position, she pushed up a little, just enough to where she could look around, which by chance, put her head above Zihark’s by about two inches. After five seconds she got the courage to open her eyes. Her heart was beating faster than it ever had before. She started opening her eyes. Her body felt the wooziest it had ever felt in her whole life. She opened her eyes. Looking straight back up at her was Zihark. As soon as she could finally comprehend who exactly it was looking back up at her she passed out and rolled off him. Zihark deeply inhaled. He said one thing, “Damn, she’s got a painful hug”.
For the last five minutes she had hugged, squeezed and laid on Zihark. She was also convinced his embrace was heaven. And she was just realizing that it was not heaven but Zihark You can see her dilemma plain as day. Those five minutes were the best of her life and guess what, the purple haired, sword wielding, tall man caused those five minutes, out of all the 300 second segments in her life, all the time, all the hours, all the days, the amount of joy she felt in those five minutes out weighted her whole because of one thing, or should I say one person, Zihark. So there you have. Obviously with these two reasons in mind there is not a snowballs chance in hell she is growing out of this one. Part two fin.

4. Next chapter should be out soon, expect another 4-5 days but it could be sooner. Anyway if you have anything to say about my fic say it. Any problems or errors you find should immediatly be brought to my attention. So find those problems!

5. Your reviews/thoughts!
Please let me know of any advice you have and (constructive) criticism you might have. I have not actually started and won't start till tommorow on the next chapter so hurry up give advice before its to late (posted March 31 2010)!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this!! I hope you enjoyed my fic!