Favorite Chapters in Any Manga


7 year old weeaboo
So, like 20 minutes ago, I found this thread, but I thought it was in this section and I rambled about my favorite Dragon Ball chapter. About five minutes later, I realized my crime and destroyed all evidence (that just means I deleted the post), but I thought that there should be one about one for all manga. So, yeah. Favorite chapter. What manga. Why. Bam. Done.

Though I like lots of other manga much better, Dragon Ball chapter 42 has always stood out to me as being an amazing chapter, and is the most hilarious chapter, and my personal favorite, in the whole DB/DBZ/DBGT series. It's part of the Krillin vs. Master Roshi fight at the first Tenkaichi Budokai fighting tournament. It's in volume three of the japanese manga, and I think volume five of the english.
Pokemon is the best and only manga I read, and I love every chapter in it, with no favourites (or all are my favourites).