Favourite take-away food shop


shadow slayer
so hi, um this thread is for the members of pokebeach forums(that means you) can say what there favourite take-away food shop and what they get from there to eat.

My favourite is probably anything from KFC.
magmortarstar said:
so hi, um this thread is for the members of pokebeach forums(that means you) can say what there favourite take-away food shop and what they get from there to eat.

My favourite is probably anything from KFC.

Shining_Raikou has a loyal customer!!

On topic, I like McDonalds and KFC too D:


inb4raikou says kfc
No you would, child. >:[

*slaps Riskbreakers around a bit with a large trout.
Lolwut? I don't even live in America

/me slaps Shining Raikou with a Steelix.

Taco Bell fails. Eat fresh, eat Subway.
Subway is my second favorite anyways. ^_^ Also,

*slaps Riskbreakers around a bit with a large trout.