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Standard Fighting Toolbox

Chris Teves

Poké Legend
Hey guys, I'm trying out this Fighting Deck, which is a mix between Buzzwole GX and Zygarde GX with fighting support. It works pretty well, and I would say I win with the deck about 85-90% of the time. But, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Pokemon (13):
1x Type: Null (Crimson Invasion)
1x Silvally GX (Crimson Invasion)
3x Buzzwole GX (Crimson Invasion)
1x Marshadow GX (Burning Shadows)
3x Regirock EX (Fates Collide)
2x Zygarde EX (Fates Collide)
2x Tapu Lele GX (Guardians Rising)

Items (18):
1x Counter Catcher (Crimson Invasion)
2x Field Blower (Guardians Rising)
2x Max Elixir (BREAKPoint)
1x Rescue Stretcher (Guardians Rising)
1x Special Charge (Steam Siege)
1x Switch (Black and White)
4x Ultra Ball (Dark Explorers)
3x Fighting Fury Belt (BREAKPoint)
2x Float Stone (Plasma Freeze)
1x Psychic Memory (Crimson Invasion)

Supporters (12):
1x Acerola (Burning Shadows)
1x Brigette (BREAKThrough)
3x Guzma (Burning Shadows)
4x N (Noble Victories)
3x Professor Sycamore (Phantom Forces)

Stadiums (4):
2x Brooklet Hill (Guardians Rising)
2x Scorched Earth (Primal Clash)

Energy (13):
4x Strong Energy (Furious Fists)
9x Basic Fighting Energy

Total: 60 cards