Fooling around with some ideas with Zygarde-Ex decks for the current standard format. With testing I'm not completely sold with the Fighting/Vileplume variant just yet without AZ (I know Olympia can be used and i've tested the deck with 3), so I've been trying out a Fighting/Hammers deck like the old Lucario-Ex decks of yester-year as shown below (not sure if Puzzle of Times fit or should be ditched)
Let us know what you think
- Pokemon – 11
- 3 Zygarde-EX
- 3 Carbink Break
- 3 Carbink
- 2 Shaymin-EX
- Energy – 10
- 4 Strong Energy
- 6 Fighting Energy
- Trainers - 39
- Supporters – 11
- 3 Professor Sycamore
- 3 N
- 1 Lysandre
- 1 Hex Maniac
- 1 Team Flare Grunt
- 1 Skyla
- 1 Olympia
- Items – 26
- 4 Vs Seeker
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 4 Trainers' Mail
- 4 Puzzle of Time
- 4 Crushing Hammer
- 1 Enhanced Hammer
- 2 Max Potion
- 1 Red Card
- 1 Fighting Fury Belt
- 1 Power Memory
- Stadiums – 2
- 1 Faded City
- 1 Parallel City
Let us know what you think