(Author notes: This was a story that I wrote based off a quest in Final Fantasy XII, telling my personal experience of my gaming through poem. It could be classed as a spoiler to those who have not done the quest but it isn't anything that will spoil the main storyline. If this isn't suitable for this or any area of the Forum, please don't hesitate to delete it. Other than all that... I hope you enjoy!)
The Chronicles of Final Fantasy XII:
The Tale of the Snowy Fafnir
~ By Switchback
Here I stand with a story to tell, a group of heroes and a beast they once fell.
So make yourself comfortable as I weave words of tale untold,
Taking place in the Ivalice world of old.
This story does start in the city of beginnings, overrun by Imperials and orphans scrounging for Gil'ings.
Through crowded city streets and crafty merchants aplenty,
You'll find the place it began, a bar called the Sandsea.
The doors swing open and a man walks in,
Yet his motive for being there is not for the gin.
An honourable Knight and respected so,
Being a valued member of Clan Centurio.
His name is Basch and he follows a team, who's mission it is to make princess Ashe queen.
This very day though his aim is to pocket some coin,
Checking the billboard for a hunt to join.
Sighting a bill that draws his attention, he rips off the paper without apprehension.
Once reading it over and mind set firm,
He embarks to find and vanquish this wyrm.
He encounters two people once stepping outside, a man and a Viera that do confide.
An unlikely duo the pair do make,
but they are not ones to differentiate.
The two being famous Sky Pirates you see,
Makes them the best partners that be.
For to be more successful than any other,
They must be able to trust one another.
Once reaching them Basch does tell of the bill,
Making Fran smirk and Balthier grin,
Never one to pass up the chance of a good haul,
The pair ran to the Aerodrome and into the Strahl.
Soaring through skies of ocean blue, soon turned to skies of misty hue,
Our heroes did make to their location in swift,
The snow covered mountain called Paramina Rift.
After securing the Strahl with a bit of tinkering,
But not without their endless bickering,
The Sky Pirates prepared with their weapons of sheen,
While Basch from them gained a headache most mean.
Ignoring the fight of "Who loves loot more?" and before they could make his head anymore sore,
Basch began to lead with a spirit of hope,
Up the snowy and treacherous slope.
Cutting down enemies in stone cold steel,
Balthier and Fran following close to his heels,
They fought as backup partners to Basch,
While running quick to avoid weather much harsh.
Finally reaching mountain top where rain never cease, Mount Bur-Omisace a renowned place of peace.
Weaving through the masses they find the petitioner,
A Viera in place of the man called Ieeha.
She tells of the man who set up the bill, departed to fight this wyrm at will.
Relj also foretells you in his place,
The mark that was suppressed by his grace.
The beast was once sealed away by the Gran Kiltias, bested by the man who's name Anastasis.
Yet in his passing the bonds lifted away,
Allowing the wyrm to again have it's way.
As the beast had reemerged,
It caused mighty blizzards to surge,
There she tells you'll find it admist,
In this heavy storm in Paramina Rift.
Fran now taking lead heads down through the snow,
Past Freezing Gorge and through blizzard a blow,
Heading almost blindly with no sight at all,
They stumble into Path of the Firstfall.
An injured Oracle that they did spot, but the chance to talk they almost did not.
As Balthier had nearly shot with his pistol,
Mistaking a beast even though near a Crystal.
The Oracle lay battle worn in the snow,
Pointing with her words in direction to go,
Before Balthier could flirt as Fran dragged him away,
Basch turned around and headed back on their way.
An annoyed Balthier followed with a rather amused Fran,
Secretly pleased that she had foiled his fool plan,
Past Frozen Brook and into harsh weather,
They did take route past Karydine Glacier.
The blizzard descended more ferocious than before,
From the storm came a bone shaking roar,
With it came a new sense of dread,
Of just what was lurking in Silverflow's End.
Sky Pirates drew axe and Knight wielded blade, his Masamune's sheen never to fade.
Fran cast Bubble and Balthier cast Bravery,
Basch cast Hastega to make attacks less lazy.
Running forward they did make haste,
Slowing when they saw what they would face.
A huge dragon with fur of pure white,
Golden eyes and scars crossed over it's sight.
Great brown horns jutted out from it's head, one of them broken to add to the dread.
Huge bulky claws and tail made you guess,
How it could even move in a small area no less.
Soon it spotted the group in it's sight,
Charging towards them and increasing it's height,
Making it higher than I dare not say,
As it looked smaller a distance away.
So big that to believe you must see,
Poor Balthier's head hardly reached up to it's knee,
Swiftly muttering a quick Dispel,
Fran broke down it's Protect and Shell.
Getting information by taking aim, they quickly learnt of the wyrm's name.
It's name was Fafnir and with wrath most mighty,
It struck at our heroes non too lightly.
Knocked away in pain from such power,
They persevered and stood up with valour,
With Genji Gloves and Masamune steel bright,
Basch struck out with great combo's of might.
The battle had begun and went on with much time,
And still the dragon would not be confined,
Half an hour later with no exaggeration,
The beast still barely stood much to their agitation.
Spells had flew and many wounds were taken,
Our heroes did stand bloodied and shaken,
MP depleted and making last commands,
Our heroes did charge in one final stand.
Footsteps thundering in the snow, they charged with weapons raised aglow.
With spirits ablaze and showing no fear,
They brought down their weapons on the mighty Fafnir.
The wyrm did rear it's huge head,
Letting out one final roar of pain and dread,
Before body weakened it crashed to the ground,
The remains of it's terror never to be found.
Bones sore and body in pain, Basch lowered to one knee glad the beast is now slain.
Noticing that the blizzard had ceased,
He decided to rest and enjoy the peace.
As they began to gather their strength,
Magicks recharging for health to replenish,
Balthier spotted something among the snow,
Small and sheen of golden glow.
Walking over with a slight limp,
He picked it up and examined it,
With Ieeha nowhere in sight,
This must be his Ring of the Light.
Leaving naught but ring behind,
He must have fought in battle and died,
With Ieeha perished and his ring remain,
Balthier did keep as proof of him slain.
Moving over to a kneeling Fran,
He gave her tired grin and offered his hand,
She took it with a smile as he pulled her up,
Basch choosing to watch than interrupt.
Looking over his shoulder to the knight that did watch, Balthier grinned wider and with much mirth.
He lead the group out of Silverflow's End,
Ready to grab bounty and some much deserved rest.
Once arriving at a fast pace,
Back at the mountain of Bur-Omisace,
A victory at hand and a ring to show,
They made their way to Relj at the Temple Approach.
On seeing them the Viera looked slightly surprised,
As if expecting them not to come back alive,
Unpocketing the ring and giving a smirk,
Balthier threw the jewellery to her with a jerk.
Catching the small band of gold, Relj did realise without being told,
Ieeha had died a hero's death,
Protecting the mountain he loved with his last dying breath.
Turning to the heroes with a most solemn motion,
She hereby swore to carry on Ieeha's devotion,
The revitalization of the holy city,
To end the people's misery and pity.
Just as she finished making her vow, something happened that none could explain how.
The endless rains that plagued the mountain of peace,
Suddenly slowed and then they did cease.
Relj thanking our heroes for all they had done, handed their bounty as a new day begun.
Basch was little concerned for the prize,
Simply helping people move on was worth more in his eyes.
And thus ends a story that I hope you'll hold dear, the tale of the heroes and the snowy Fafnir.
So if you find yourself troubled at night,
Remember those heroes and remember their plight.
Hopefully this tale will bring you valour,
As you trouble to sleep at any late hour,
Hopefully putting your mind at ease,
As the heroes great story stays in your dreams.
The End
(Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated!)
The Chronicles of Final Fantasy XII:
The Tale of the Snowy Fafnir
~ By Switchback
Here I stand with a story to tell, a group of heroes and a beast they once fell.
So make yourself comfortable as I weave words of tale untold,
Taking place in the Ivalice world of old.
This story does start in the city of beginnings, overrun by Imperials and orphans scrounging for Gil'ings.
Through crowded city streets and crafty merchants aplenty,
You'll find the place it began, a bar called the Sandsea.
The doors swing open and a man walks in,
Yet his motive for being there is not for the gin.
An honourable Knight and respected so,
Being a valued member of Clan Centurio.
His name is Basch and he follows a team, who's mission it is to make princess Ashe queen.
This very day though his aim is to pocket some coin,
Checking the billboard for a hunt to join.
Sighting a bill that draws his attention, he rips off the paper without apprehension.
Once reading it over and mind set firm,
He embarks to find and vanquish this wyrm.
He encounters two people once stepping outside, a man and a Viera that do confide.
An unlikely duo the pair do make,
but they are not ones to differentiate.
The two being famous Sky Pirates you see,
Makes them the best partners that be.
For to be more successful than any other,
They must be able to trust one another.
Once reaching them Basch does tell of the bill,
Making Fran smirk and Balthier grin,
Never one to pass up the chance of a good haul,
The pair ran to the Aerodrome and into the Strahl.
Soaring through skies of ocean blue, soon turned to skies of misty hue,
Our heroes did make to their location in swift,
The snow covered mountain called Paramina Rift.
After securing the Strahl with a bit of tinkering,
But not without their endless bickering,
The Sky Pirates prepared with their weapons of sheen,
While Basch from them gained a headache most mean.
Ignoring the fight of "Who loves loot more?" and before they could make his head anymore sore,
Basch began to lead with a spirit of hope,
Up the snowy and treacherous slope.
Cutting down enemies in stone cold steel,
Balthier and Fran following close to his heels,
They fought as backup partners to Basch,
While running quick to avoid weather much harsh.
Finally reaching mountain top where rain never cease, Mount Bur-Omisace a renowned place of peace.
Weaving through the masses they find the petitioner,
A Viera in place of the man called Ieeha.
She tells of the man who set up the bill, departed to fight this wyrm at will.
Relj also foretells you in his place,
The mark that was suppressed by his grace.
The beast was once sealed away by the Gran Kiltias, bested by the man who's name Anastasis.
Yet in his passing the bonds lifted away,
Allowing the wyrm to again have it's way.
As the beast had reemerged,
It caused mighty blizzards to surge,
There she tells you'll find it admist,
In this heavy storm in Paramina Rift.
Fran now taking lead heads down through the snow,
Past Freezing Gorge and through blizzard a blow,
Heading almost blindly with no sight at all,
They stumble into Path of the Firstfall.
An injured Oracle that they did spot, but the chance to talk they almost did not.
As Balthier had nearly shot with his pistol,
Mistaking a beast even though near a Crystal.
The Oracle lay battle worn in the snow,
Pointing with her words in direction to go,
Before Balthier could flirt as Fran dragged him away,
Basch turned around and headed back on their way.
An annoyed Balthier followed with a rather amused Fran,
Secretly pleased that she had foiled his fool plan,
Past Frozen Brook and into harsh weather,
They did take route past Karydine Glacier.
The blizzard descended more ferocious than before,
From the storm came a bone shaking roar,
With it came a new sense of dread,
Of just what was lurking in Silverflow's End.
Sky Pirates drew axe and Knight wielded blade, his Masamune's sheen never to fade.
Fran cast Bubble and Balthier cast Bravery,
Basch cast Hastega to make attacks less lazy.
Running forward they did make haste,
Slowing when they saw what they would face.
A huge dragon with fur of pure white,
Golden eyes and scars crossed over it's sight.
Great brown horns jutted out from it's head, one of them broken to add to the dread.
Huge bulky claws and tail made you guess,
How it could even move in a small area no less.
Soon it spotted the group in it's sight,
Charging towards them and increasing it's height,
Making it higher than I dare not say,
As it looked smaller a distance away.
So big that to believe you must see,
Poor Balthier's head hardly reached up to it's knee,
Swiftly muttering a quick Dispel,
Fran broke down it's Protect and Shell.
Getting information by taking aim, they quickly learnt of the wyrm's name.
It's name was Fafnir and with wrath most mighty,
It struck at our heroes non too lightly.
Knocked away in pain from such power,
They persevered and stood up with valour,
With Genji Gloves and Masamune steel bright,
Basch struck out with great combo's of might.
The battle had begun and went on with much time,
And still the dragon would not be confined,
Half an hour later with no exaggeration,
The beast still barely stood much to their agitation.
Spells had flew and many wounds were taken,
Our heroes did stand bloodied and shaken,
MP depleted and making last commands,
Our heroes did charge in one final stand.
Footsteps thundering in the snow, they charged with weapons raised aglow.
With spirits ablaze and showing no fear,
They brought down their weapons on the mighty Fafnir.
The wyrm did rear it's huge head,
Letting out one final roar of pain and dread,
Before body weakened it crashed to the ground,
The remains of it's terror never to be found.
Bones sore and body in pain, Basch lowered to one knee glad the beast is now slain.
Noticing that the blizzard had ceased,
He decided to rest and enjoy the peace.
As they began to gather their strength,
Magicks recharging for health to replenish,
Balthier spotted something among the snow,
Small and sheen of golden glow.
Walking over with a slight limp,
He picked it up and examined it,
With Ieeha nowhere in sight,
This must be his Ring of the Light.
Leaving naught but ring behind,
He must have fought in battle and died,
With Ieeha perished and his ring remain,
Balthier did keep as proof of him slain.
Moving over to a kneeling Fran,
He gave her tired grin and offered his hand,
She took it with a smile as he pulled her up,
Basch choosing to watch than interrupt.
Looking over his shoulder to the knight that did watch, Balthier grinned wider and with much mirth.
He lead the group out of Silverflow's End,
Ready to grab bounty and some much deserved rest.
Once arriving at a fast pace,
Back at the mountain of Bur-Omisace,
A victory at hand and a ring to show,
They made their way to Relj at the Temple Approach.
On seeing them the Viera looked slightly surprised,
As if expecting them not to come back alive,
Unpocketing the ring and giving a smirk,
Balthier threw the jewellery to her with a jerk.
Catching the small band of gold, Relj did realise without being told,
Ieeha had died a hero's death,
Protecting the mountain he loved with his last dying breath.
Turning to the heroes with a most solemn motion,
She hereby swore to carry on Ieeha's devotion,
The revitalization of the holy city,
To end the people's misery and pity.
Just as she finished making her vow, something happened that none could explain how.
The endless rains that plagued the mountain of peace,
Suddenly slowed and then they did cease.
Relj thanking our heroes for all they had done, handed their bounty as a new day begun.
Basch was little concerned for the prize,
Simply helping people move on was worth more in his eyes.
And thus ends a story that I hope you'll hold dear, the tale of the heroes and the snowy Fafnir.
So if you find yourself troubled at night,
Remember those heroes and remember their plight.
Hopefully this tale will bring you valour,
As you trouble to sleep at any late hour,
Hopefully putting your mind at ease,
As the heroes great story stays in your dreams.
The End
(Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated!)