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Final Tweeks to Maxiechamp (Machamp / Medicham / Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick)


Aspiring Trainer
I'm going to enter a series of tournaments that are coming up very soon with this deck, so small modifications to increase consistency would be appreciated. (criticism can be helpful as well)


  • 3 Machamp (FUF 46)
    3 Medicham (PCL 81)
    3 Meditite (PCL 79)
    3 Landorus (FUF 58)
    3 Hawlucha (FUF 63)

  • 3 Muscle Band
    2 N
    3 Fighting Stadium
    1 Korrina
    4 Maintenance
    2 Professor Juniper
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    4 Battle Compressor
    1 Computer search
    2 Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick
    2 Colress
    4 VS Seeker
    3 Focus Sash
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Lysandre

  • 4 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy


I use Maintenance, Ultra Ball, Battle Compressor, and Dowsing Machine to reduce my hand to VS seeker then use Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick to put Machamp onto the bench then use Medicham to kill. Focus sash lets Medicham live for an extra round in order to deal steady damage. Also Battle Compressor is optimized to it's fullest in this situation because Landorus gets the energy that has been Battle Compressed, Maxies gets Machamp that was Battle Compressed and VS seeker gets the Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick that was compressed. If you get where I'm coming from, then you know how Acro Bike would not help this situation.
I think you're getting down to preference at this point. I personally would go 4-4 medicham, since that's your main attacker and there's often a need to stream them. I rarely get more than one Machamp on the bench so I stick with only two in the deck. I've been running Computer Search over Dowsing Machine, but for this type of deck more than others it seems like a bit of a wash.

The only things I can't quite wrap my head around are only one Korrina and no Jirachi. I'll have to try cutting Korrina, just to see how that plays. Could be it's getting in the way of a fast MaxieChamp right now and I don't realize it, but in general I feel like more Korrina is beneficial for setup. Jirachi I know is controversial, but I'm a believer.
A few thoughts for your consideration:

  • There is a good chance that you will play from behind in the prize count race (I play a version of this deck too); so, running 4 N is quite helpful to disrupt your opponent's hand.
  • With 4 VS Seeker, you seem quite optimistic that you will not be Item-locked too often. That is a risky assumption. Secondly, should your only copy of a Supporter, like Lysandre, be prized, that will put you at a disadvantage till you draw it.
  • I understand your tactic behind running your Item-heavy engine, wanting to reduce your hand as quickly as possible, but, are you finding that 2 Colress, 2 N, and 2 P Juniper are sufficient (despite the 4 Maintenance) enough to promote "high" consistency?
  • I found that running 6 F energy worked better for me given that Medichams are easily KOd and "time" was needed to restore FF energy onto the next 'Cham. Are the 4 F working well for you?
  • Lastly, why no Landorus EX - which can undoubtedly setup future KOs for 'Cham?
ah yes the consistency for this deck is about an 80% win ratio as far as I Have tested (most of my losses were against toad)

my low supporter count is due to the fact that if I get a VS seeker and battle compressor in the same turn then that counts as a supporter in my eyes

the fact that no Jirachi or Landorus EX are in this deck is because they both create a huge weakness that my opponent can take advantage off, for many decks run flare gear and if Landorus gets a head ringer before I can muscle band it, then that's practically GG for me.

have you also realized that all the Pokémon in this deck have a retreat cost of 1 or less? (though I could not help Machamp) this is because I can easily get back discarded energies with baby Landorus while keeping pressure on my opponent.

6 out of the 9 basics in this deck are the ones that are optimal for starting the game (Hawlucha/Baby Landorus). Hawlucha, because of the free retreat means that I have about a 67 percent chance of getting my Landorus up front to start. His moderate health buffer and energizing attack let me get at least 1 Medicham fully powered by turn 2 in the best situations.

I find that I do not use Lysandre often, this is because I almost never use Lysandre tactics (unless I want a Jirachi to die). For it's all about making them want to bring up the Pokémon that I want them to think they want active.

Notice the focus sash? I always attach focus sash to all my Meditites as fast as I can, because this lets Medicham live for 1 extra round (believe me when I say that one extra round is crucial), and when focus sash is discarded, I can attach a muscle band creating a huge damage spike that can take my opponent by surprise. With that one extra round of life for my Medicham, I am able to charge up my next one for the KO.

yes the 4/4 energy line works most of the time, because all my Pokémon (expect Machamp) attack for 2 or less energies. So with 3 Medichams, each attacking for 2 energy, I only need 6 energy to make good with my hits. But I took into consideration the worst case scenario. In witch 1/1 Medicham and 1/1 energies, are prized. In this case (and in most battles) I only need 2 Medicham actually working for me and dealing damage (focus sash multiplies their battle efficiency by 2x), so ladorus and Hawlucha should be able to deal the rest of the damage (if any)

To reply to gromitxt, I thank you for the advice about computer search, I might actually switch dowsing machine for it, for recently I've been noticing that computer search might work better than dowsing machine in this deck.