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Fire and Friends (Reshiram / Entei EX / Charizard EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 x Reshiram (non-ex)
    3 x Entei EX (attack + recycle)
    2 x Charizard EX (OHKO 150+muscle band)
    1 x Yveltal EX (counter big attackers)
    1 x Latias EX (counter Pyroar, keldeo, virgen)
    1 x Jirachi EX (supporter)
    1 x Druddigon (revenge kill dragon)

  • 3 x Flame torch (draw + discard fire for blacksmith)
    4 x Ultra Ball (search + discard fire for Blacksmith)
    4 x Bicycle (draw because my supporter will be blacksmith)
    1 x Super Rod
    2 x Pal Pad (for Lysandre and other)
    2 x Switch
    2 x Professor letter
    3 x muscle band
    2 x Lysandre (catcher)
    4 x Blacksmith
    3 x N
    3 x Juniper

  • 2 x Blend energy (psy, Grass, Fire, Dark for Yveltal and Latias)
    2 x DCE (pour Charizard, Yveltal, Reshiram, druddigon)
    11 x Fire

Best start is professor letter + entei or reshiram, 1 energie and ultra ball. I try to setup as soon as possible a fire attacker and use druddigon to kill black kyurem or rayquaza, Latias to counter Pyroar or any pokemon with ability and yveltal against pokemon that needs a lot of energies.

Please let me know what you think about this list.
Personally, I believe the "weakest" Poké you have may be the Latias EX and Jirachi EX. Presumably, lots of players will be playing a variety of fire decks and with Lysandre and/or Pokémon Catcher. Both of these EXs are Cather/Lysandre bait and can be easily 1HKO - each of these Poké has "low" HP being 160 and 90 HP, respectively. Or your Lat EX would just stare down your opponent's Pyroar since neither can attack the other... Lol. So, I'd suggest you consider replacing both of these EXs by adding another Yveltal EX, Keldeo EX and/or a Dark energy.

Also, the inclusion of Bicycle may not yield the results you want, given the prerequisite that you'll need less than 4 cards in hand to be able to draw. I'm testing Roller Skates and having good results thus far.

Should you decide to drop the Latias EX, you can then also switch your Blend energy to Dark energy. In doing so, your Professor's Letter will become more effective.

I also suggest you consider replacing the Switch with Float Stones. These will help you continuously stream Combustion Blasts attacks should you add the Keldeo EX too.

I also prefer to run at least 3 DCE. A Fire energy could be replaced for it.

Lastly, your thoughts regarding the Blastoise matchup? In my early stages of playtesting, Blastoise, as one expect, "owns" this deck... Note: Druddigon can not 1HKO either Keldeo EX (BKEX not not used unless it's FTW).

Thanks for your reply.

Latias EX can attack Pyroar. The attack bypass any effect on the opponent's Pokemon and it's a good option against Keldeo EX. Yveltal EX is a good option against Keldeo EX too.

Jirachi EX is a target for Lysandre, it's true but it can give me a win turn one when needed. I will use Jirachi and Latias only when needed, that's why I have only one copy of each in the deck.

I want to keep switch because I don't want on focus on Charizard EX to attack. Charizard EX is another attacker in my deck but not the main attacker. It's just an option to OHKO anything when needed.