Writing Fire Emblem: Awakening: PokéBeach Edition! All finished! Stay tuned for the next one...

RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Professor Palutena said:
C'mon guys. Don't just think in terms of the characters. Think about the members and all of your crack fanfics you've secretly always wanted to write.

Chrom (Drohn) x Athena (Athena): Both from the Netherlands, both former Super Mods (Drohn got a Master Seal while Athena used a Second Seal and then a Master Seal). Seems like it makes sense

Henry (Keeper) x Cherche (PMJ): The best ship to ever set sail

Gaius (TT) x Tharja (Me): Throwin' this one in the canoe

Gregor (GM Draclord) x Nowi (Celever): Process of elimination but it'd still make a great fan fic.

I guess that also means I get to put you down for Maribelle x Virion? :p

Currently, unless we have any one else come speak up, we're looking at the following:

Athena x Chrom
Maribelle x Virion/Gaius
Cherche x Gregor
Nowi x Henry
Tharja x Virion/Gaius

Both Tharja and Maribelle have 3 votes to be paired with Virion and 2 with Gaius. In the absence of any further votes, it'll be Maribelle x Virion and Tharja x Gaius due to TT and PP having both of those pairs listed and also the largest number of likes. Kind of a shame, since I always do Tharja x Gaius, but oh well. :U

That said, all pairings are fairly close (except for me and Drohn; not sure what do think that we were such an automagic ship :p), so if you want to get a last minute vote in, now is your chance!
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Did those unvotes/votes change anything :3
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Did you change your votes? Because I don't really look back at previous posts and it's hard for me to tell at a glance if votes are the same. Like I said in regard to TT's post when I still had PC voting going on, I'd prefer if any changes were made in a new post so I don't get confused.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Looks like some "Like"-swapping has actually changed the balance over to Tharja x Virion and Maribelle x Gaius, just for the record.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

I feel like Cryogonal D:


As for votes...I'll second Professor Palutena's list.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Don't worry, IE, you'll have your chance to shine, just not right now. :p

And those votes certainly put a new spin on things...

For the current standings, Athena x Chrom still steady as a rock, and Maribelle x Virion pulls ahead. The other 3 pairs each have a tie with 2 pairings at 3 votes each, but one of Tharja's tied pairings is with Virion who's already taken, so she gets Gaius. However, both Cherche's and Nowi's ties are with Gregor or Henry, so we look to "likes" to sort that out. By a score of 6-3 and 6-2, Cherche x Henry and Nowi x Gregor pull ahead.

Typing this post out made me feel like a very weird sports announcer.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

You guys are trying to ship a character with the appearance of a little girl with a guy who's likely in his forties. That can get you arrested in most areas of the world.

Gregor x Cherche 4 lyfe
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

Character-wise I want to disagree.
Member-wise I'm iffy either way.
Decisions decisions...
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

You guys can swap votes if you like, just make sure to make a new post with any changes. I'll be doing final vote/like counts sometime tomorrow morning.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Time for Part 2! <3

So, it's a good thing I decided to recount Likes again this morning, since you all switched up again.

Unfortunately, all of the Likes canceled each other out. Each Nowi/Cherche (or Gregor/Henry, if you prefer) pairing has 3 votes and 4 likes. You guys are terrible.

So, I decided to perform an OFFICIAL TIE BREAKING CEREMONY using the same magical tie-breaking algorithm that I have set up for my current WW game. The tie-breaker decided upon Nowi x Henry and Cherche x Gregor. That makes our final pairs:

Athena x Chrom
Maribelle x Virion
Tharja x Gaius
Cherche x Gregor
Nowi x Henry

or, if you prefer...

Athena x Drohn
Prof. Light x Cinesra
Prof. Palutena x TT
PMJ x GM DracLord
Celever x Keeper

And with that, Part 2 is finished! The first chapter will be up some time today. Make sure to stay tuned, since more opportunities for choices will be coming the further we get into the game~ <3
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Shipping Complete!

All of my ships made it! This is a cause for celebration.

By the way, if any of you would like a transparent avatar of your character (facing either way) just leave a comment on my profile and I'll stea- I mean whip one up for you.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Shipping Complete!

Prologue: The Verge of History

First of all, you can all take a look at Athena's starting stuff here. Free cookies to the first person to guess the inspiration for that specific birthday. The idea behind the Asset/Flaw was to make something of a glass cannon that's neutral enough to still go either Strength or Magic.

I'm fighting a dark sorcerer with a young swordsman by my side. His name is.... Drohn? Yes, it is Drohn, though I almost didn't recognize him with his hair dyed blue like that. A wavering, purple barrier traps us together with the sorcerer, and Drohn and I move in together, taking him and his dark magic down. We think we've won, but then... he's not dead yet after all, and in his last, desperate actions, he sends a magical attack straight for Drohn, though I manage to push him aside at the last minute and take the brunt of the attack myself. When Drohn comes to see if I'm okay, I... stab him with a magical bolt of lightning and I hear the sorcerer cackling in the background as Drohn falls to the ground dead... man, what did I eat last night to have such a weird dream?

<Drohn> There are better places to take a nap then on the ground you know.
<Athena> Huh, what?

Confused, I blink and slowly open my eyes. I certainly do appear to be napping on the ground in the middle of a meadow. Drohn is standing above me, but it's not the real Drohn; it's the same, weird, blue-haired Drohn that I saw in my dream. He's dressed in the same ridiculous outfit, too, with belts slapped haphazardly all over his clothing, and a cape that billows majestically in the wind. With him are a blond girl that I don't recognize and a taller, surly-looking man in armor. What the hell is happening?

<Drohn> Are you alright?
<Athena> Yes, thank you, Drohn.
<Drohn> Ah, so you know who I am then?
<Athena> Of course, it's me, Athena. Don't you remember me? And what did you do to your hair?
<Drohn> Umm... my hair has always been like this. And I'm sure I've never met you before. Did you hurt your head? Do you know where we are?

I look around me. Unlike the fight before, this is definitely no dream. I can feel the reality of the grass beneath me, smell the scent of flowers on the wind. This might be Drohn, but he's certainly not my Drohn and I have no idea what's going on with anything else either. I decide I better play dumb until I figure out what's going on and where I am.

<Athena> Sorry, I think I'm just confused. You see, I was just having this dream, and you were in it, so I heard your name, and we were fighting this sorcerer, and, well... the rest of the dream isn't important. But I really don't know where I am and what's going on. Can you help me?
<Frederick> What, are you saying you just woke up in a field with amnesia? What is this, some kind of Square Enix game? *snort* That's a crock of bullshit if I ever heard one.
<Lissa> Hey, be nice! She might be telling the truth! I mean... she doesn't look like a serial killer...
<Frederick> I dunno, she does have both a sword and a book; that looks pretty dangerous to me.
<Athena> Look, will you please just tell me where we are?
<Drohn> This is the Halidom of Ylisse--
<Athena> The who in the what now?
<Frederick> You're a terrible actress, you know. I can smell right through you.
<Drohn> *sigh* The Halidom is ruled by the Brave Exalt, Vesperia, and we're part of the Shephards, a kind of militia that takes care of problems in the Halidom, like bandits and so forth. The blond little flower over here is my sister, Lissa, and the guy in armor who keeps being an asshole to you is Frederick.
<Lissa> I am not a flower! Wait, ohshi- that town is on fire.
<Frederick> I smell brigands!
<Athena> Hey, wait! Where are you running off to? Guys?

I sigh and watch as Drohn, Lissa, and Freddy run off in the direction of some smoke and potential brigandry. Then I remember what Freddy said about me having a sword and a book and I glance down at myself. In addition to some pretty badass new clothing (seriously, this is a pretty sweet coat thing), I happen to have a sword on a sword belt, and a book in my left hand. I lift the book up and flip through a few pages; it seems to be some kind of magic tome.

I really have no idea what the hell is going on here. On one hand, this has to be some dream of some kind. But if it's a dream, it's the most realistic dream I've ever had. I pinch myself on the cheek just to test, but when I don't wake up, I sigh again and run off in the same direction as the others. Maybe it really is amnesia and I only knew Drohn from the dreams, but if that's the case, then what are my other memories? Regardless, if I'm carrying around a sword and a magic book, then maybe I can actually fight. And if I can, and if there are brigands about, I might be able to do some good and get these people to trust me a bit.

Sure enough, there's a small town with a building on fire and some ugly guy with an axe threatening women. Oh boy.

<Drohn> You followed us?
<Athena> I thought I might be able to be some help with this dangerous sword and book of mine. Shall we go kick some brigand ass?

And then we kicked some brigand ass.

If I'm allowed to brag, I was actually pretty effective in battle, much more than I had ever imagined. Not only could I fight effectively with both sword and magic, but I was coming up with battle tactics on the fly, directing units and able to predict various outcomes. I kept Lissa in the back so that she wouldn't get hurt and could focus on healing our wounds, while Chrom and I headed out in front, battling side by side. Freddy got to stay in the back and twiddle his thumbs. We picked up a few items lying around and fought our way through the brigands up until we reached their leader. Surrounded by my new allies, I managed to take him down pretty easily. Then, the battle was over.

<Lissa> Wow, Athena, you're so cool! Can I be the president of your fan club?
<Freddy> yes, sword, sorcery, and strategy... what else are you hiding from us inside that voluminous coat of yours?
<Athena> Look, I get that you think I'm some kind of spy or something, Freddy, but please stop with the weird insinuations. Between that and your dour expression, it's making you even more creepy.
<Drohn> Frederick only smiles when he's about to bring down the axe.
<Athena> ... that doesn't help.
<Drohn> You were really helpful today. I know that my lieutenant doesn't trust you in the slightest, and we just met you 10 minutes ago lying in a field, and I know nothing about you aside from your name and your combat expertise, but would you like to join our group as our tactician?
<Athena> Sure, I got nothing better to do.
<Freddy> AUGH. Can we at least have bear meat for dinner?
<Drohn> Sure, let's turn down the villagers offer of hospitality and free food and instead camp out in the totally safe woods where absolutely nothing could go wrong.
<Freddy> Yay!
<Lissa> AUGH.​

Current Team:

Chrom: Lv. 1 Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+

Athena: Lv. 2 Tactician
Skills: Veteran

Extra characters that are currently force-deployed: Lissa, Frederick

A note on Skills for those who aren't familiar with FE:

Skills are additional abilities that units can gain as they level up. Each starting class has a skill they automatically start with at level 1, and gains another skill at level 10. Each promoted class also gains 2 skills, one at level 5 and one at level 15. As units grow and gain new classes, they also get more skills, though each unit can only have a total of 5 skills active at any given point; any additional skills earned can be switched for current skills.

For a total list of all skills, what they do, and what classes get them, you can refer to this list.

Decisions, Decisions:

None yet. The first few chapters railroad you a lot, so it'll be a bit before we have anything I can put to the readers.

Player Notes:

AUGH. I didn't realize that Normal mode includes a forced tutorial and subsequent gimping. This means that I can't trade or pair up or anything yet, which is kind of lame, though it's not like I need the pair up boosts or anything. I managed to pick up weapons from both sparkly spots in the Prologue, a Kneader (a cheap way to farm exp for Maribelle, I guess), and an Ephraim's Pike, which no one will be able to use for quite some time unless we do some reclassing. Otherwise, chapter was a very easy playthrough, mostly just focused on keeping Athena and Chrom close to start building up some Support points, and Athena did manage to gain a level, even if she can't get Veteran's exp boosts until we're allowed to pair up. Even though I'm not going to be fielding Lissa, I still had her spam heal everyone. Forces of habit die hard.

Anyway, if you've got any other questions about what went down or want any more detail, let me know.

PS: Still accepting member submissions for NPCs and other unused characters via PM.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Prologue

Professor Palutena said:
You can turn the tutorials off in normal mode.

Ahhhh, that's nice. Thanks. I imagine this probably won't let me pair-up/trade any earlier, but those bottom screen pop-ups were still annoying. And at least I'll be able to trade soon.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Prologue

Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change

We managed to walk a few miles before it gets too dark, and then we stop and make camp. Freddy actually really does manage to take down a bear with that lance of his. Lissa pouts, but the meat is actually better than I expected it to be. After the meal, we all collapse around the fire. No one sets a watch or anything, but Drohn wakes up in the middle of the night with a bad feeling and sets off with Lissa to explore deeper into the woods. Don't they know you should never split the party?

Drohn leads the way into a clearing when suddenly a huge earthquake splits the land, creating a huge chasm that spews fire and lava into the air. The two run for their lives, eventually escaping the worst of the catastrophe. But that's, oddly enough, not the weirdest thing that happens to them that night.

A large, strange portal surrounded by mystical symbols appears in mid-air well above the ground. A few strange, zombie-like beings writhe their way through the portal then fall to the ground, only to get up and start after the humans. Drohn pulls out his sword, Falchion, and prepares to do battle, but the monster is tougher than expected. He manages to take out one of them, but another is about to take off Lissa's head when another figure makes its way through the portal.

This one is no monster, but a human, a young masked man. He rushes forward and stops the zombie's attack just in time, and Drohn rushes over to help him finish it off. Drohn asks the name of the newcomer, but is distracted when Freddy and I, tired of sleeping through the action, finally wake our butts up and head over.

<Athena> Hold on here, no one told me you guys have zombies in this land.
<Drohn> We don't! They came through this weird ass glowy portal thing in the air.
<Freddy> You guys okay?
<Lissa> Yeah, we are, no thanks to your sleepy ass. Some masked dude had to show up and save me. He was rather cute, though. *swoon* Hey... where'd he go, anyway?
<Drohn> Who cares, we have more monster things to kill!

Drohn hangs out in a local abandoned fort while I sneak around outside, using my magic to weaken guys for him to kill. We've taken down one and hurt another when two other fighters rush into the fray. One of them is a rather brash female knight on a horse that seems to know Chrom, and the other is... Cinesra? Really? He's got a bow slung over his shoulder and is wearing quite possibly the largest cravat I've ever seen. Despite the present threat, he seems to be flirting with the woman, Sully, though she won't have any of it. Drohn is grateful to have both of them join in the battle, and I resolve to find a way later to talk to Cinesra and see if he can tell me what's going on. The four of us join up and take out the rest of the zombies, while Lissa cleans us up and Freddy goes to inspect some interesting thing towards the north. Cinesra manages to take down the zombie leader at the end, and the forest is quiet once again. Except, you know, for that giant chasm full of lava, but we all ignore that.

<Freddy> Hey, look who I found!
<Lissa> Ooooh, masked guy! Thanks for saving me~~~ <3
<Drohn> Yes, thank you very much for your help. Mind telling me your name now?
<???> You may call me Marth.
<Lissa> No, no, that won't do. Marth already had 4 games to himself, if you count the remakes, and that doesn't even include his Smash Brothers appearances. Come on, dude, can't you think up some other Lord to imitate that we can call you by?
<???> Umm.... how about Ephraim?
<Drohn> No, he's no good, he wields a lance, not a sword.
<???> Maybe Roy?
<Freddy> Definitely not. He's got bright red hair! So does Eliwood, for that matter.
<Lissa> And you're way too skinny to pull off Ike, too.
<Freddy> How about Seliph? You've got a similar build and the same blue tunic thing.
<Seliph> Alright, fine, you may call me Seliph. But I'm not here to talk about me. I just wanted to warn you all because your world has some serious crap going down. Zombies falling from the sky is just the beginning.
<Freddy> I guess that means we should head back home and make sure everyone's cool there.​

"Seliph" departs and the rest of us leave to make our way down the road to Ylisstol, the capital of Ylisse. While we walk, I try to chat up Cinesra a bit He doesn't seem to recognize me either, but he does compliment me on my tunic and offers me a rose, which I decline with a sigh. These people might look like people I know, but it seems the connection ends as resemblance.

Despite the humungous earthquake with the lava-spitting chasm, not to mention zombies jumping out of glowy portals, everything in Ylisstol seems to be just fine and normal. We manage to catch a glimpse the Brave Vesperia, Exalt and ruler of the land, as she comes out to greet her people. The name sounds familiar, but I'm too tired from the short night to think clearly. Freddy rambles on about how she is a symbol of peace for the people, yada yada, but I tune him out.

<Lissa> She's also the best big sister anyone could ask for!
<Athena> ... wait, what? If she's your sister, then you and Drohn are...
<Freddy> Princess and Prince of Ylisse, yes. You knew who Drohn was but you didn't know he was the heir to the throne?
<Athena> I just thought he was like, you know, militia captain or something. Sorry for being so rude, Prince Drohn!!
<Drohn> S'ok. I give zero f***s about titles and all that crap. Come with me, let's go meet Vesperia.​

We enter the palace and I get my first glimpse of the Brave Exalt... and suddenly I realize why the name sounded familiar. It's Brave Vesperia! Albeit a much more feminine one, dressed in long, flowing robes and a halo-like crown. Just like Cinesra, she looks at me without a hint of recognition and turns her attention to Chrom.

<Vesperia> Thank you so much for taking care of those brigands, Drohn. ^_^
<Drohn> No problem, sis. Though, I've got bad news. the brigands weren't just assholes, they were Plegian assholes.
<WanderingWolf> Damnit, not those jerks again. I could have sworn my Pegasus Knights and I didn't see then when we did our last flyover patrol. Crap. Sorry about that.​

I do another double-take at the sight of a feminine WanderingWolf dressed up in the slight armor of a Pegasus Knight, her hair coiled back in a long, braided bun.

<Drohn> Nah, you've gotta take care of Vesperia. Don't worry about it.
<Lissa> Besides, we met a new friend!
<Drohn> This is Athena. She woke up in a field with amnesia, but she's a cool fighter and smart as hell, so I hired her on as a tactician.
<Vesperia> Oh, that's so nice! Thank you, Athena. ^_^
<Freddy> For the record, I still think it's a trap.
<Vesperia> No one cares what you think, Frederick. ^_^
<WW> We heard about those weird monster things you fought, too. Apparently they're all over the place.
<Vesperia> Drohn, now that you're home, I'd like you to come have a meeting with me, and WW, and some other nameless, unimportant people, if you don't mind? ^_^
<Lissa> Yeah, you guys go do boring stuff. I want to show Athena my bedroom!​

Current Team:

Chrom: Lv. 2 Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+

Athena: Lv. 3 Tactician
Skills: Veteran

Virion: Lv. 3 Archer
Skills: Skill+2

Extra characters that are currently force-deployed: Lissa, Frederick, Sully

Decisions, Decisions:

None yet. The first few chapters railroad you a lot, so it'll be a bit before we have anything I can put to the readers.

Player Notes:

Emmeryn's smiling face always reminds me of the ^_^ smilie. I kind of forgot while typing up the prologue that we had a member for her, so I went back and edited that chapter. Sorry BV!

Otherwise, the chapter went smoothly. Sully got a lucky crit and stole some exp I was going to give to Chrom which is why he's still at Lv. 2 while Virion and I are sitting at 3. Nothing fun from the sparkly tiles this time, just some exp for Chrom and Freddy.

I always did find it kind of dumb/hilarious that there's this huge catastrophe with lava spouting up and an entire forest being demolished and set on fire... and yet no one ever comments or does anything about it.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Prologue

Chapter 2: Shephards

<Drohn> Hey, before you go...
<Athena> Yes, Drohn?
<Drohn> I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad you're here with us.
<Athena> Oh, well, thank you.
<Drohn> Yeah, after all, I'm sick of all our girls being pretty and proper with their make-up and their beauty sleep. You're all the fun of tits without the maintenance. It's wonderful!
<Athena> ...
<Drohn> Anyway, I need to get going to that meeting. See you around!
<Athena> ... did he really mean that to be a compliment?

Drohn and Athena attained support level C!

Lissa leads me to the Shephards' garrison and introduces me to some of the other militia members, some familiar and others not. A blond man named Vaike wielding a large axe is new to me, but I manage to recognize both professorlight, who is looking decidedly cute in an elegant riding suit with a parasol, and a feminine Ice Arceus, with his hair grown out long and wavy and complete with breast-molded plate armor and a short skirt. I resist the urge to ask him what's underneath. It's become clear to me now that, whatever it happening, none of the will recognize me and I'll just have to play along until I can get an answer to what's really going on here.

Light doesn't seem all too happy to meet me, but the others are friendly enough, and IA positively beams with excitement when Drohn joins us, back from his meeting. In fact, he's--no, wait, she's--so excited to see him that she trips over her own two feet as she walks over to greet them. Someone has a little crush!

<Drohn> Alright everyone, we have a new mission. We're going to Regna Ferox on a mission to recruit their soldiers to come take care of our Plegia problem.
<IA> For the sake of exposition, you ought to know that that's a country to the north of us inhabited by barbarians.
<Drohn> Usually this is the kind of thing Vesperia would do on her own, but she refuses to miss any new episodes of Better Call Saul, and this mission will likely take a few weeks at least, so she decided to send me in her place. Who wants to come with?
<Lissa> Ooooh, pick me!
<Vaike> Me too!
<Kellam> I'll come, too.
<Athena> Who the hell are you?
<IA> I'll come, but I can't do anything yet because I'm a Pegasus Knight but I don't actually have a Pegasus yet, so we have to wait until the appropriate plot point for me to be useful.
<Drohn> That's fine, we've got a pretty full party for now anyway.
<Stahl> Oooh, me too!
<Athena> So, you're Stahl, eh?
<Stahl> Yeah, and you're Athena. Miriel told me about you.
<Athena> Yet another new person, I guess role-call for a new mission is a fast and easy way to get the introductions done.
<Drohn> Ohshi- there's Risen over there.
<Athena> Risen?
<Freddy> Yeah, that's the name the council gave to those weird monsters that are all over the place. We spent at least an hour discussing different names, and this is the one we decided on.
<Athena> Can't we just call them zombies?
<Drohn> No way, that would be racist!
<Athena> Alright, fine, there's a bunch of "Risen" here. Shall we go fight them now?
<Vaike> Oh crap, I forgot to bring my axe...
<Athena> Well, I guess that's why we didn't decide to make you part of the final party, dumbass.​

Drohn and I team up and dive into the fray while Cinesra hops up onto Sully's horse and rides forward with us for support. Lissa stays close to keep us on our toes, and I send Freddy out to look for potential ambush spots. Miriel eventually shows up bringing Vaike's axe, but by then they're far behind the group and have to catch up.

It turns out the zombies--oh, excuse me, Risen--have diversified their abilities a bit and are wielding different weapons, but they're still no match for us. We fight out way through the horde and over the bridge. Virion and Miriel take care of the right half of the remaining enemies while Chrom and I sweep past the left and take down their leader, recognizable by the fact that he doesn't move like the other Risen, instead staying in the same spot.

<Drohn> Oh crap, these things really are everywhere.
<Cinesra> I suppose that means we'll just have to be extra cautious, then.
<Lissa> Oh, hay, what's this mysterious creature over here? *runs off*
<Athena> ... Didn't we just agree that we should be cautious?
<Drohn> It's a pegasus!
<IA> Oooh, oooh, this is my plot point! I can be useful now! STAND ASIDE EVERYONE AND LET THE GREAT ICE ARCEUS PERFORM HER MAGIC! *trip*
<Everyone> ... ... ...
<IA> It's okay, I got this. See? The pegasus thought it was funny and so we're totally bros now. Now you guys go ahead and give us a chance to... bond, yes, sure, that sounds like a good excuse. Bonding time.
<Drohn> Oh, uh... alright then...

Current Team:

Chrom: Lv. 4 Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+

Athena: Lv. 5 Tactician
Skills: Veteran

Virion: Lv. 4 Archer
Skills: Skill+2

Extra characters that are currently force-deployed: Lissa, Frederick, Sully, Stahl, Miriel, Vaike

Decisions, Decisions:

None yet. The first few chapters railroad you a lot, so it'll be a bit before we have anything I can put to the readers.

Player Notes:

EDIT: I actually meant to save this as a draft and post it tomorrow morning, but I hit "post reply" instead, so OH WELL. You get the chapter early. I'm just glad it's here before I was terrified that I lost when the post when the site went down suddenly.

It turns out that turning off the Tutorials really does let you trade or pair-up early. Go figure.

I got a Slack Bow and an Aversa's Night from the sparkly tiles, ahahahahaha.

I also just realized now that the people who don't know this game probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so here's a quick explanation on sparkly tiles:

They're actually called "Event Tiles" but I call them sparkly tiles because they're shown on the map as, basically, a sparkle on a particular square. If you have a unit end a turn on one of those tiles, they'll get a boost of some kind. That boost can be exp, weapon exp, or a randomly chosen item from a specific list. If you go to the spot with 2 characters that are paired up, they also have the chance of getting a mini-conversation that gives them extra support points.

The items are the best thing to get, though, because everyone likes free crap.

Battle went pretty simply. I paired Athena up to Drohn so that she could help him and gain support points without sucking up all the exp, since enemies seem really attracted to her for some reason. Cinesra paired up with Sully and mostly goaded enemies and dodging, then killing them off after Miriel weakened them. I also tossed Miriel onto Stahl so I'd have less units to move. Drohn has been getting some really nice level ups so far, though Athena's have been lackluster. OH WELL. But Drohn's nice speed level ups mean that he's already doubling pretty well (he's 11 spd to my +spd Avatar's 9). Cinesra's more or less average, skl/spd like usual for archers.

I also got Virion/Sully and Stahl/Miriel support ranks, but since they're not final characters, I'm not going to bother including those.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

<Lissa> Man, I'm freezing my buns off here. Couldn't we have, you know, met half way or something? Or found better allies than a bunch of barbarian eskimos?
<Drohn> Nope, but at least we're almost there. See? That's the giant fort they have on our borders to keep us out because they love us so much. Now, everyone behave, I'm going to try, uh, diplomacy.
<Freddy> Better hope you're good at it because there's a bunch of arrows pointed at us.
<Drohn> Hey, uh, Fort Master.... let us in please?
<Raimi> No, bugger off.
<Drohn> But, but.... I'm Prince Drohn of Ylisse! My sister the Exalt sent us!
<Raimi> I dunno, you look like brigands to me.
<Drohn> Oh, come on, really?
<Raimi> I've had "Prince" "Drohns" coming from "Ylisse" at least once a day for the past couple weeks. Can you see those air quotes from down there? You should, because they're as obvious as the fact that you're all a bunch of imposters!
<Drohn> You know, I do have this magical tattoo on my arm that proclaims me to be the blood of the Exalt, and this holy sword that's been passed through through the royal line for centuries...
<Raimi> Proof is for losers; we settle this with blood!
<Drohn> ... you would really throw away the lives of yourself and your soldiers rather than check out my sweet arm tat?
<Drohn> Man, Vesperia is going to be so pissed...​

Before we have a chance to prepare for battle, a storm of arrows and javelins come down at Drohn from the top of the fort. Just in the nick of time, IA flies in on her newly-tamed pegasus, sweeping him up into the air and saving him from becoming a pin cushion.

Left without any other options, we decide to storm the fort. Most of the group stays behind while Drohn, Cinesra, and I take out the soldiers on one side of the fort first. Cinesra rides on IA's pegasus to get a better angle to shoot people, and Kellam (I totally even forgot he was here; he just kind of showed up on the battlefield) plays protector for Lissa. With one of our flanks takes care of, we move as a group to take out the other side, then progress up into the fort thanks to a key we pilfered from one of the dead soldiers. We cleared out the rest of the soldiers on top together, then Chrom took out Raimi with a single decisive blow.

<Raimi> Hold your blade, I yield! You're Prince Drohn! I believe you! I'm not even using any air quotes this time!
<Drohn> Well, at least we don't have to slaughter everyone to get you to believe me.
<Raimi> Yeah, well, all the brigands sucked at fighting. Anyway, I'll take you to the capitol.
<Athena> You mean we have to travel even more in this frigid wasteland?​

Raimi sends word ahead to the capitol so we could meet with the leaders, while I take the opportunity to clean up in the fort's indoor wash facilities. Baths on the march are... not fun, and I've been looking forward to a real bath for some time.

<Drohn> Athena? Atheeeeena?
<Athena> Dude, I'm in here, just gimme a few minutes and I'll come out and we can chat.
<Drohn> Nope, I heard your voice and now I'm following it into this steamy room, completely ignoring the "women's bathing area" sign on the wall.
<Athena> Man, what the hell?
<Drohn> Ohhey, you really do have a nice body underneath that voluminous coat of yours.
<Athena> Get the hell out of here before I bury you in a snowdrift!
<Drohn> Ooops, right, sorry, inappropriate way of gaining a support rank. Gotcha. Won't happen again.​

Drohn and Athena attained support level B!

Current Team:

Chrom: Lv. 7 Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+

Athena: Lv. 6 Tactician
Skills: Veteran

Virion: Lv. 6 Archer
Skills: Skill+2

Extra characters that are currently force-deployed: Lissa, Sumia, Kellam

Decisions, Decisions:

We have some, yay!

Paralogue 1 is now open! For the newbies, Paralogues are little side chapters that you can play at any point during the story. This Paralogue is a fairly easy one. If we had chosen Donnel as a PC, I would be playing this chapter ASAP to recruit him, but since he's not a PC, I'm not even going to be recruiting him (which will be a first; I've always recruited him in previous playthroughs whether I use him or no), so it would mostly just be extra exp and a few treasure chests.

Please vote for your choice: Do Paralogue 1 now, skip it entirely, or do it later?

If you vote to do it later, tell me when I should do it (in terms of chapter numbers or recruits or whatever).

I'll keep the voting window open for ~21 hours or so until I start work on the next chapter, whatever it'll be, tomorrow morning.

Wireless Menu & Shopping are also now available! That means I was able to get my Renown items (I have up through the Talisman unlocked), hurray~ So if you have suggestions for items to go to particular people, or things I should buy, feel free to speak up. No one is a high enough level to use the Second Seal yet, so I'll be holding onto that for now.

I have 1 Anna Merchant on the world map right now with a Beast Killer, Blessed Bow, and Concoction. I've also got 15,000G thanks to the renown bullion that I sold.

If you've got questions about the items, reference this post.

Player Notes:

You guys are allowed top speak up you know; I feel like I'm typing these up to myself. :p

I actually went back and corrected some of the formatting issues from the previous chapter. I meant to look over it before posting it, but since I posted instead of drafting I confused myself and didn't even see that I'd made some formatting mistakes until today.

As far as this chapter goes, we can finally access the preparations menu, hurray! I only sent out our chosen PCs and Lissa (she'll be my healer until we get Maribelle/Light) to keep things a bit truer to form, though I still got Sumia and Kellam forced on me, woo. Virion got Sumia as a pair up for occasional extra movement and Kellam went with Lissa so I wouldn't have to worry about his slow butt getting left behind.

I actually had to restart this chapter once because I stubbornly kept Athena equipped with her sword instead of her tome (I've been bad about swapping weapons so she's got almost no sword exp but if halfway through D with tomes) and took one too many lucky hits from an enemy knight that she would have ORKOed with magic. OH WELL. Virion got an almost-perfect level in the redo, though, so no regrets.

I still kept Athena sword-locked in the redo, though, was just less lazy about it. :p She's almost at D swords and halfway through D tomes, while Chrom and Virion are almost C with swords and bows respectively.

Not much happens this chapter because, well, not much happens this chapter. I put the Support convo in this way instead of the next chapter to kind of beef it up a bit. But at least we can make a few small choices now, yay!

If there's any other details people want to know, speak up.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Chapter 3

Ah, ah, ah, what do they items do???

I suggest doing the sidequest once Gaius has been recruited. IDKW.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Chapter 3

bbninjas said:
I suggest doing the sidequest once Gaius has been recruited. IDKW.

Well, that does make a certain amount of sense since, as a thief, he could open the treasure chests without me needing to use the chest keys that drop. :p

All of the renown items I got an be seen on this list; I have everything up to and including the Talisman. Some of them are weapons and some are useable items, here are the useable items:

Seed of Trust - can be used in combat to boost support points
Energy Drop - permanently raises the Strength stat by +2
Spirit Dust - permanently raises the Magic stat by +2
Secret Book - permanently raises the Skill stat by +2
Goddess Icon - permanently raises the Luck stat by +2
Speedwing - permanently raises the Speed stat by +2
Seraph Robe - permanently raises the HP stat by +5
Dracoshield - Permanently raises the Defense stat by +2
Talisman - permanently raises the Resistance stat by +2

Anna Merchant items: Blessed Bow is a bow that does extra damage to Risen; Beast Killer is a lance that does extra damage to units on horses, Concoction is an in-combat HP restoring item that heals 20 HP.

I'm probably not going to be explaining all the items and weapons I find or can buy throughout the game because that will get really long and boring really quickly, but if you're really interested this page has an inventory section in the right column that lists all the various weapons and other items you can get throughout the game and what they do, and this page lists all the things I can buy in each shop. Every time I beat another chapter, the shop for that chapter will be open for me.

I will, however, do a quick write-up on Second and Master Seals when we get to the point where I can use those.
RE: Fire Emblem Awakening: PokéBeach Member Edition! Chapter 3

I'd say complete the paralogue after the fifth chapter, The Exalt and The King. It makes the most sense plot-wise, since there's nothing immediate you're doing at the time. And although you won't have me around yet for those chests, you should (at least I believe you should) be able to open them all with the keys. And it would add a bit of a challenge to the whole thing.

Also, buy that Blessed Bow and slap it on Cinesra! Automatic healing is great, and the damage bonus against Risen is also useful at times.