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Alt. Format Fire Power (Breakthrough-current)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16
4x Volcanion EX 26/114
3x Turtonator GX 18/145
3x Flareon EX RC6/RC32
3x Volcanion 25/114
2x Rayquaza 106/145
1x Oricario 14/145

Trainers: 30
3x Scorched Earth
3x Nest Ball
3x Professor Sycamore
3x Field Blower
2x Switch
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Professor's Letter
2x Super Rod
2x Hau
2x Max Elixer
2x N
1x Lillie
1x Shauna
1x Pokemon Fan Club
1x Olympia

Energy: 14
10x Fire Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

This is just a pre-burning shadows core I have ready. Pretty simple. Just not entirely sure how the rotation will work out. Any thoughts and tips would be greatly appreciated
I have a few notes.

1) That's the Rayquaza from GRI, right? If so, I don't find it necessary. You already have 2 max elixirs for energy acceleration, and getting a Rayquaza start is rare with 16 basics and only 2 Rays. -2 Rayquaza

2) Your supporter line is ... bad. It really needs to be something along the lines of this for BKT-on:
*4 Sycamore
*4 N
*4 Guzma
*1 Tech supporter (Pokémon Fan Club, Lillie, etc.)

3) Drop one Volcanion-EX and add an extra baby Volcanion. He is your preferred starter, and consistency is key. Also, having 4 Volcanion-EXs is too much in a deck that runs 16 basics. -1 Volcanion-EX | +1 Volcanion

4) Play 14 basic fires only. DCE can't be used to steam up, or fished out with Prof. Letter or Max Elixir. -4 DCE | +4 Basic Fire Energy

5) Flareon needs to go. It just doesn't have the fire power of the other attackers. In other words, it's damage output is statistically inferior than the other attackers, and would need too many energies committed towards it to be effective. Drop all 3 of these and add 3 Tapu Lele-GX for consistency reasons. Also, Lele's attack is, quite simply, better.
-3 Flareon-EX | +3 Tapu Lele-GX

6) When BUS does come out, try Kiawe for energy acceleration, optimally to be used on turn one. Also, Ho-oh-GX seems strong here, potentially over Oricorio?
+2 Kiawe +1 Ho-oh-GX | -1 Olympia -1 Shauna -1 Max Elixir

Hope I could help, and have a fantastic day! :D