Welcome to Firelucario's player thread!
Everything new will be in green
Everything in navy blue will be coming soon
My Friend Code: 0817 0288 3142
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
- SHINY MEWTWO!!!! Lv.79
- lugia lv. 100
- deoxes Lv. 100
- Turtwig Lv.1
- Candy the Happiny lv.23
- Snow the Absol lv.27
- Shiedon lv.20
- Rilou-Have alot ask for specific nature.
- roselia lv.53
- ralts have a lot ask for spesific nature
- lavatar have a lot ask for spesific nature
- cyndaquil will have lots ask for spesific nature
- todile will have lots ask for spesific nature
- flaafy have lots lv in 40's
- gastrodon female lv 40
- lucario males lv's 31, 45
- chickarita will have lots ask for spesific nature
- palkia
POKEMON I WANT=======================
- Legit Mew
- Any Shiny
- cyndaquil
- totadile
- chickarita
- ditto
- celebi
- shiny eevee if possible if not just eevee
- bagon
- togepi
- FOR THE SHINY MEWTWO at Lv. 79 I will only trade it for something really good really good
PM me if you have any questions!