So the idea here is simple: Get fire energies in the discard pile to use Blacksmith/Milotic along with utilizing Beast Ring, etc
3x Blacephalon GX
2x Feebas DRS
2x Milotic FLF
2x Tapu Lele GX
1x Shaymin EX
1x Volcanion EX
1x Ho-Oh GX
4x Ultra Ball
4x VS Seeker
3x Beast Ring
2x Choice Band
2x Float Stone
2x Battle Compressor
1x Computer Search
1x Field Blower
3x Professor Sycamore
2x Blacksmith
1x N
1x Colress
1x Kiawe
1x Guzma
2x Scorched Earth
1x Heat Factory Prism Star
17x Fire Energy
3x Blacephalon GX
2x Feebas DRS
2x Milotic FLF
2x Tapu Lele GX
1x Shaymin EX
1x Volcanion EX
1x Ho-Oh GX
4x Ultra Ball
4x VS Seeker
3x Beast Ring
2x Choice Band
2x Float Stone
2x Battle Compressor
1x Computer Search
1x Field Blower
3x Professor Sycamore
2x Blacksmith
1x N
1x Colress
1x Kiawe
1x Guzma
2x Scorched Earth
1x Heat Factory Prism Star
17x Fire Energy