Ok, so, this is my first ever deck, so I really appreciate any and ALL constructive criticism! This deck is about trying to target multiple benched Pokemon using Seismitoad, Kyogre and Kyurem's attacks as well as Greninja's ability. Skyarrow Bridge is there to counter Mountain Ring, and Energy Retrieval should get back the energy used by Greninja's ability. Thanks so much for looking!
Seismitoad EX x4
Kyogre EX x4
Kyurem Noble Victories x4
Greninja XY 4-2-4
Pokemon Catcher x4
N x2
Cheren x2
Professor Juniper x2
Ultra Ball x2
Level Ball x2
Heavy Ball x3
Random Receiver x1
Skyla x2
Life Dew x1
Skyarrow Bridge x2
Eviolite x1
Energy Retrieval x3
Double Colourless x4
Water x7
Ok, so, this is my first ever deck, so I really appreciate any and ALL constructive criticism! This deck is about trying to target multiple benched Pokemon using Seismitoad, Kyogre and Kyurem's attacks as well as Greninja's ability. Skyarrow Bridge is there to counter Mountain Ring, and Energy Retrieval should get back the energy used by Greninja's ability. Thanks so much for looking!