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First Deck! (Seismitoad EX / Kyogre EX / Kyurem)


5 Stars!

  • Seismitoad EX x4
    Kyogre EX x4
    Kyurem Noble Victories x4
    Greninja XY 4-2-4

  • Pokemon Catcher x4
    N x2
    Cheren x2
    Professor Juniper x2
    Ultra Ball x2
    Level Ball x2
    Heavy Ball x3
    Random Receiver x1
    Skyla x2
    Life Dew x1
    Skyarrow Bridge x2
    Eviolite x1
    Energy Retrieval x3

  • Double Colourless x4
    Water x7


Ok, so, this is my first ever deck, so I really appreciate any and ALL constructive criticism! This deck is about trying to target multiple benched Pokemon using Seismitoad, Kyogre and Kyurem's attacks as well as Greninja's ability. Skyarrow Bridge is there to counter Mountain Ring, and Energy Retrieval should get back the energy used by Greninja's ability. Thanks so much for looking!
RE: First Deck: Seismitoad EX, Kyogre EX, Kyurem

First of all, correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be wanting to use Seismitoad EX to hit the opponents bench. However, his attack hits your bench, not the opponents.

Your deck idea is based around spreading as much damage around the board as possible. So, at most times, you will have a decent amount of damage everywhere at the board, but not enough to knock out your opponent's tougher Pokemon. Your Greninjas help with this, but I'm afraid it won't be enough. Dusknoir BCR will allow you to move all the spread damage to strategic positions, allowing you to knock out anything you need to knock out, anytime you want.
RE: First Deck: Seismitoad EX, Kyogre EX, Kyurem

Well, Seismitoad ex hits for 30 damage to 2 of YOUR benched pokemon, so id take that out. Also, I think Kyurem PLF might work a little better than Noble Victories kyurem. Kyogre ex, heavy ball, level ball, and skyarrow bridge are out of format, so you should replace those unless you play unlimited.

Here are my changes to the deck:
-2 Cheren
-4 Kyogre ex
-1 froakie and greninja
-4 Kyurem
-2 Level ball
-3 Heavy Ball
-2 Skyarrow Bridge
-1 Life dew
-1 Eviolite
-4 DCE
-2 Pokémon Catcher

+3 Kyurem PLF
+3 Duskull FLF
+1 Dusclops FLF
+3 Dusknoir BCR
+2 N
+2 Prof. Juniper
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Computer Search
+3 Water Energy
+2 Deoxys EX
+1 Skyla
+1 Rare Candy
+1 Frogadier XY

That leaves 2 open spots. Personally, I still don't know how well this deck will function, but you could try to run it. I think it would be better if you went with Seismitoad EX/Mewtwo EX/Garbodor or TDK, but this deck might be competitive.
RE: First Deck: Seismitoad EX, Kyogre EX, Kyurem

Blergh... I guess that's what's comes of not reading carefully enough... Ah well, thanks so much for your help, I'll post some revisions soon. Didn't realise Kyogre was getting bumped. Whoops :p

EDIT: Revisions:


Kyurem Noble Victories x4
Greninja XY 3-3-3
Dusclops FLF 3-1
Dusknoir BCR x3
Articuno EX x2


Pokemon Catcher x2
N x4
Cheren x2
Professor Juniper x4
Ultra Ball x3
Random Receiver x1
Skyla x2
Computer Search x1
Rare Candy x2
Eviolite x1
Energy Retrieval x3


Double Colourless x4
Water x9

Hope this is a bit better :)